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About intodeep

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    Atlanta, GA
  1. I was a couple rows back from you as i saw your sign. and he said "This one is for Sarah C" oh and for the record i'm down with California Stars. I actually like Hate it Here too but rather it not be en encore song.
  2. Wed was okay.... last night was like getting tossed in a pool of awesomesauce! Crowd was better and i really like opening with one sunday morning instead of closing out the first set.
  3. He played it on a few songs. Impossible GErmany for sure because i remember the tone being off and I wondered why he was using a les paul instead of the jazz master. It was afer that when JEff introduced the "special guest" with them and explained Nels was playing his guitar. I know he palyed it on at least one song before that (maybe ashes as suggested) and i'm pretty sure a song during the encore too.
  4. I just wanted to give a shout out to the girls in the last row of the front section of orchestra in the middle Row D you were a little ways down from me and one row behind me. You talked a lot and did not care that people shhhed you and gave you stares. You were really bothersome during black moon and the soft parts of via chicago. Also bad during one sunday morning. If you were t here because yoru bf's/ husbands brought you next time please tell them kindly you don't want to go. by theend of the night ilooked back and at least two of you were pretty much passed out/asleep and seemed not to
  5. Cobb is a great venue if you are thinking about going you should go. I was up in the way top for the Decemberest when they played and for being way backt hey were still good seats. Plus its wilco you know its gonna rock. Last nights show was fun hoping tonights is even better though. Jeff did ask folks to come back and said they were gonna play more different songs tomorrow (tonight now)
  6. I know it is not on the current album but they should just blow it open and start out with spiders Then perhaps transition into art of almost?
  7. I think i only saw one Bull Black Nova mention. I was a little surprised i thougth that song was more liked in the wilco community. Its one of my favs. I guess they have so many great songs it is tough to make an allmighty setlist with everything.
  8. I want to get tickets to both atlanta shows. it says not to make multiple purchases or they will become invalid Will i be able to or will it consider me getting tickets for the other show "going back and making multiple" purchases. Will i be okay if they are for two different shows? sorry if thats a stupid question i'm just parinoid
  9. Thanks a lot. I'm signed up there. Just wasn't sure if it would be different.
  10. Anyone haveing no luck when the click on the Frequently asked question tab to get more information? Or is it just me?
  11. That is really cool. I have not heard the new album but i saw the tour this past summer and noticed a lot of similar songs. I enjoyed them on the tour and i'm looking forward to hearing them on the album. If nothing else it will hopefully produce a good studio version of hitchhiker. Surely that is soemthing everyone can be happy about. Right?
  12. Seeing them tonight. It will be my 3rd tiem seeing them. If they are near as good as they were in Jan 05 & May 07 this will be a great show.
  13. If i went to a pj show and that was my setlist i would be so fucking happy. All except for Johnny guitar. I can't stand that song otherwise a lot of real gems
  14. I've only listened to it a couple times but i love it. So dark, So brooding, the lyrics are thick.
  15. I'll have to get back to you. I just picked it up yesterday. First spin was promising though
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