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Posts posted by crowesfan28

  1. What was the player you were playing it on? There is more to a great image on a larger screen than the screen itself. I'm using an HD projector with a screen in the 96" range, and the difference between different DVD players can be quite shocking.

    Not that this film is the be-all-end-all in image quality, but getting that 480i image up to 1080p is not as simple as running any DVD player into an HD tv.

  2. I recall reading somewhere that the reason Candyfloss was an extra track on Summerteeth was because it didn't "fit" with the rest of the album, so they decided to just put it at the end after some silence. That's kind of how I feel about HMD. If it was a b-side or extra at the end of the album or on one of those YHF demo collections, it would make more sense to me, personally. But I've never been asked to sequence a Wilco album, so what do I know?

  3. juniorfive, you can regret the 70 bones you didn't want to spend right now, or regret the more than 70 it will cost you in the future. I think you made the right choice. If you like Wilco and like vinyl, you want this box. I dropped $30 for each of the re-release vinyls that cam out last year, and didn't regret it. This box is even better.

  4. For all the rare stuff like More Like The Moon, etc, I think they should do something like Pearl Jam's Lost Dogs, Wilco style. A 7" or 10" box set or separate releases would be cool, but for actually playing, and not some super rare record store day thing, lps would be better. I buy their stuff to play, not collect.

    I also think Mermaid Ave should get a re-release on vinyl. Both on 2 or 3 slabs, whatever it would take. And if it is too much for 2 and not enough for 3, throw on some bonus tracks. I'm kinda greedy that way. :P

  5. 4 to 5 DAYS or weeks? Where are you located?


    Weeks. And I paid $16 for shipping. I'm located in Edmonton, Alberta. They also said they couldn't trace the package. Honestly, if it wasn't a RSD release that might never show up here, I wouldn't have ordered online. I don't have great luck with ordering lps online. I vowed after the gong show with the last Ryan Adams that I wouldn't do it again, but I really want a copy of this one. Hopefully everything works out. I'm also hoping that they waaaay overestimated the shipping time.

    I'm also curious if other Canadians have received theirs yet.

  6. Those people are more important than you guys are.

    Well, I figure everyone is more important than me, but after we've established that they can shut their yappers.


    96 foot screen! Oops I meant 96 inches.

    Is that screen actually 20 feet? Nice. I think my projector can only do about 160 inches. And do I see only 2 chairs and a cooler?

  7. I completely agree with this ^^^^^. I do my best to not go a theater anymore. I bought a projector and built a nice big screen. For the cost of a night at the movies for two I can just buy the DVD or Bluray.

    Every once in a while we'll get a gift card for a night at the movies. It's wrong to complain about a gift, but after saying thanks I often think in my head, have you never been in my basement? A 96' screen, comfy couch, cold beer 10 feet away, no people yakking on cell phones, and no kids kicking your seat. Why would I want to go to a theater? Oh, and I can put on a Wilco DVD if you want as well. Not that many people I know care about that. :music

  8. Kudos to whoever made the call for shipping the box and then the stickers separate.

    I've already got the CD, so unless the bonus tracks are on it, I don't care all that much.

    Has anybody done the math on whether the bonus tracks would fit on 2 cds anyway? I'm sure a decent vinyl rip of the bonus tracks will show up pretty quick anyway.

  9. My guess is if you could have asked Tweedy at that moment, he would have been more than happy to help you out. Probably with hilarious results, too.

    My favorite Tweedy shut-up rant was from a European show, Germany I think, when he went off on some Americans in the crowd that couldn't stop yelling.

    The blues festival here is just brutal sometimes. The people in the seats are good, the people in the beer area suck a lot of the time. And it's not about having too much to drink and being a loudmouth either, they're like that first thing in the afternoon, with the first act. So you had to choose between being among the talkers, but being able to have a beer, or being in the "quieter" section but being beer-free. Blues, 25C weather and blues go hand in hand.

    I lost in on a couple women at a Kelly Joe Phelps theater show a few years ago. Non-stop talking through the show, even going so far as to mock what he was doing. I mean, what are you doing here if you don't like the music.

  10. I ordered from Nonesuch as well. With shipping to Canada it cost $80.99USD. Considering the CDN dollar is close to par that's not too bad. I called a local shop and they didn't know exactly how much it would be, somewhere between $100-120. Also first come, first served. I love supporting local businesses, especially with vinyl, but with a potential $30 price difference, I went online. The MP3 version is downloading at this moment.


    Speaking of record day stuff, is the Unlikely Japan single still kicking around at a decent price. I'd like to grab that one.

  11. The other encore song was Via Chicago, right after Broken Arrow.Wilco the song was awesome. I thought it was a perfect start to the encore too. When they came back, before they played anything, Jeff said, "now you won't be able to get rid of us" (which met many cheers).Wilco will love us, indeed! and we love Wilco!and yeah, that was a weird version. To anyone who wasn't there, there was an interesting/weird thing during the end of that song, but Jeff said "We're still working on that... don't tell anyone in Calgary - shhhh". and there was a bit of a screw up with the weird thing too. I think i'll wait until a recording surfaces before going into detail, you know, keep it a surprise. or at least - i won't be the one to let the cat out of the bag.


    But don't you want to let it out of the bag? You know, to ruin a surprise for Calgarians! It's the Edmonton way isn't it? I know they would do the same to us! :D



  12. Awesome show!

    There was only one encore, but it was good, and long. The Song,Broken Arrow(with Mr Soul tease),Hoodoo Voodoo, Casino Queen, I'm A Wheel and one other, I think.

    Sunken Treasure and Mountain Bed were awesome, haven't heard them since the Red's show and the Folk Fest show.

    What was up with Wilco, The Song? Were we the first to hear that version? I haven't listened to many of the live recordings from this tour.

    Hope you all enjoyed the Family Day show, with your pootin and mulch pie! :)

    Oh, and the posters were pretty cool for this show/tour, too.




    edit - Did anybody notice any tapers? I'd love to have a copy of this one.

  13. Hi all. Now that I've got a lightscribe burner I'm trying to do up some of the Jhamm dvds with artwork and disc art. I got some of the art from the dvdproject website, but the final result when printing out the case art is kinda blurry on some of them. Is there a place that has high(er) resolution versions of these?


    On a side note, are there any sites that are seeding any of these right now? I got stuck in mid download on a bunch of them at Hungercity when it crashed awhile back. The seeder never came back when the site came back. :ohwell




  14. I don't know if this was mentioned yet but Nonesuch is having a sale where everything (including the three Wilco reissues) is 33 1/3% off. Summerteeth and Being There came to $33 with free shipping!




    Thanks for the link.

    I was ready to order but they don't ship to Canada. :realmad Hey Nonesuch, Canucks buy your products too. Either ship up north or get your Canadian distributer to start stocking these titles at a reasonable price.


    Have these been for sale at recent shows? I can wait until February if they are.




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