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Posts posted by MunkyKayse

  1. I kinda wish this one was hardly ever played live. It's their best song, really. And the studio version is perfection.


    I hate to admit that every time I've heard Jesus, Etc live, I've been a little underwhelmed. The only "live" version I've heard that I've enjoyed was the brief rehearsal clip from I Am Trying To Break Your Heart.

  2. I have the Good Eats theme as the ring on my phone.


    I met him a couple of times too. He was shorter then I thought and he smelled like cigars.


    How short is short? And what brand of cigar?


    My dad had the honor of meeting him in Chicago, and incorrectly informed him that my aunt was a huge fan of his. It was actually me, not my aunt. I still haven't forgiven my dad for that one.

  3. A.M.: Should've Been In Love / Just That Simple (sorry John)

    Being There 1: I Got You (at the end of the Century)/What's the world got in store

    Being There 2: Sunken Treasure/Why would you wanna live

    Summerteeth: She's a Jar/We're Just Friends

    (considering Wilco songs only-No Billy Bragg)

    Mermaid Avenue 1: Hesitating Beauty/Christ for President

    Mermaid Avenue 2: Airline to Heaven/Blood of the Lamb

    Yankee Hotel Foxtrot: Disqualified from being on list

    A Ghost is Born: Spiders tied with Theologians/Wishfull Thinking


    I think this list still stands three years later. Although I really do love Wishfull Thinking. I'm wondering if AGIB should be disqualified from my list. And every time I see Should've Been In Love listed as a least favorite, I want to go punch something. Anywho...


    Sky Blue Sky: Impossible Germany/Leave Me Like You Found Me

    Wilco(The Album): Bull Black Nova/Sonny Feeling

  4. Generally speaking, that sums up my criteria for all of my houseguests and roommates. :lol


    I haven't killed a bug since this thread was started. I would like to think the bug-friendly among you have influenced me, but in reality I think that Gertrude, my friendly tabby houseguest (that actually does bite me from time to time) is serving her purpose as friendly resident exterminator.


    My two cats serve the same purpose. And they're both excellent fly catchers, except they always leave the fly carcass for me to vacuum up.

  5. My kitchen door has a window in it. The door leads out to the back yard, and my elderly (17-year-old!) cat asks to be let in, let out, let in, let out, dozens of times per day. I oblige, since I work at home, and I'm pretty crazy about that old cat. So when a standard house spider set up making a web in the door's window in early June, and keeps catching a multitude of bugs that get in during each of these cat in&out episodes, I've kept her all summer as my pet, and she has earned her keep.*


    That's crazy. You sound like my sorta person. I'm all for spiders setting up shop out on my patio. They're not my favorite creatures on the planet, but they serve a purpose like everything else so I give them their space. Spiders that make their way indoors get gently escorted outdoors with my handy spider-catcher jar. And I figure if anyone should be an arachnophobe, it's me. I've been bitten by a spider hanging out in a garden glove, and nearly swallowed a daddy long leg that made his way into my coffee mug.


    Bees and wasps, on the other hand, scare the crap outta me. Cause those things fly.

  6. It's also a warning sign on Suicide Hotline, fyi. One line of a song, without music, is a string of words that to a lot of people just means what it says.


    Hmmm. Well, all I can say is that in this instance, a long chain followed about how I should have picked a lyric earlier in the song so that a "sing-a-long" could have continued, which my aunt either didn't read or didn't get. Which is another reason I like doing lyrics, cause little sing-a-longs do spark up. Even with Wilco lyrics. Helps kill the boredom at work.

  7. I have trouble with Facebook and all that social networking stuff, because most people just aren't interesting enough to warrant the amount of stuff they post. When I see an uber-emotional song lyric in a status, I just groan, because to me, it seems like nothing more than a cry for attention.


    However, I enjoy "...is so into *band*" statuses. I think that's a whole lot more worthwhile than picking a lyric to represent your mindset.


    It's all preference, obviously. I just view the lyric status as a waste of time. I rarely read them when I see that other people posted them.


    Well, considering I never post anything serious on my facebook, and all my friends are aware of it, posting random song lyrics in my status is just par for the course. Although now I do have family members on Facebook who don't get my particular sense of humor, and react seriously to stuff I write which kills the fun a bit. Hell, the other day I posted a lyric from Bohemian Rhapsody (the "nothing really matters to me" line), which everyone on the planet should know, and one of my aunts informed me that I do matter cause Jesus loves me.

  8. recently used 'dreamed about killing you again last night, and it felt all right to me' - that got quite a response.


    I've done that one as well. But now that I have some older relatives as "friends" now, including my grandma, I was thinking of recycling this line to see what their reaction will be. Should be a lotta fun to watch.

  9. I've only made one successful Wilco convert, but I didn't go the mixed-CD route. I just shoved a few CDs in his hand and told him to listen to them. Since I had told him that Wilco is sometimes referred to as the "American Radiohead" I informed him that YHF is the album that best illustrates this. So that was the first one he listened to. Since then he's learned a few YFH songs on guitar, seen IATTBYH and gone to one Wilco concert. He's made me so proud.

  10. My list in alphabetical order...


    Black Eye

    Bull Black Nova

    Chinese Apple

    Far, Far Away


    I Got You (At the end of the century)

    Jesus, Etc.


    Muzzle of Bees

    New Madrid

    Poor Places

    Pot Kettle Black


    Should’ve Been in Love


    Sunken Treasure


    Via Chicago

    Wishful Thinking



    No SBS made the cut. Impossible Germany could be crammed in my list somewhere. It gets an honorable mention instead.


    I've always wondered about that, is that a reference to the Embarcadero in SF? There must be other places where the waterfront is referred to as the Embarcadero.



    Living in the Bay Area, I always think of the Embarcadero and the Ferry Building when I hear that one line.


    Also been to..


    Deep chrome canyons of the loudest Manhattans


    California (Stars)

    Arizona (Although never actually went in a hotel in Arizona)


    And it doesn't really count as a Wilco reference, but I've been to L.A. (Ruling Class - Loose Fur)

  12. At the end of the song, where the female voice repeats "Yankee...Hotel....Foxtrot....", does anyone have any idea where that's from?

    I am curious, and a friend of mine who I just introduced to Wilco is curious. Any info/speculation is much appreciated.


    You mean the actual recording? It's a Number Station recording off the Conet Project. It's supposedly a radio transmission from Mossad, Israeli intelligence.



    It's sampled from the Conet Project boxset http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Conet_Project. Wilco actually got sued for not clearing the sample.




    Dude, beat me by, like, two seconds!

  13. I hate Wilco fans that require copy editors due to their lack of spelling knowledge.


    As a Wilco fan who is a chronic bad speller, I resemble that remark. (life long bad speller - possible symptom of dyslexia - haven't been tested yet to prove that theory - but I run everything through spell check five times, I'm so self conscious of it)

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