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Posts posted by kaytertot

  1. What saddens me the most about this commercial ordeal is it's negative effect on some of their fans, or more specifically a lot of you who've made posts saying a lot of.. things. Some of you people's reactions are just a little ridiculous, not that you aren't allowed to have your opinions.. I'm just stating mine. And I'm not putting down everyone that isn't fond of the commercials, just most of the name-calling and crap.


    I don't think any less of Wilco for making a few bucks off featuring their songs in a commercial or letting Starbucks sell their new album (the latter could also be said of the White Stripes, who I'm also a big fan of). I've seen a couple people start threads on an Elliott Smith board I frequent wondering who did the music in all these new VW commercials, and many of these people end up going out, getting themselves a copy of the album, and falling in love with it.

  2. It's so difficult for me to put them in any order. I was introduced to him with XO, so I fell in love with that one first. Then came Either/Or, and they were tied for a while. It all depends on what I feel like hearing I guess. But I guess I could listen to Either/Or and self-titled endlessly...



    The man was a genius.

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