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Posts posted by BeatingHippies

  1. When they announced that before the show some dude behind me yelled SPRING BREAK!


    I am not suprised at all to see its for an online series. They only had 3 or 4 stationary cameras and none strung up over the crowd. I saw MTV film U2 under the Brooklyn Bridge and there was easily 8 cameras, and it was a smaller place. If I remember right Sunken Treasure was filmed wit 5 or 6 cameras. Anyways, fewer cameras probably means lower budget which means not for airwaves.

  2. A part on touring would be pretty interesting. Just going by my various friends who have toured everyone of them has different yet really cool expierences and habits. Plus everyone ends up really liking some cities or venues more than others. It'd be cool to find out what some of their favorite venues and places outside of Chicago are. Whenever I ask a band this question it always gets a really different and cool response, it's not always what you'd expect.

  3. This is a really sweet idea. We know his wife posts here and thus has to read something every once in awhile, I'd be interested to find out if he avoids places like this or checks out what fans are saying every now and again.

  4. Haha you need to get on the volkswagon debate wagon. It's been pretty well discussed round here.


    The shocking part was that it aired 4 times during Rescue Me. During EVERY commercial break. Good thing I like the song.

  5. Yea I was really suprised at how good it was. I expected a very bare bones no effort. A lot of labels jus slap the DVD in there now and fail to deliver. Shake It Off rocks though. I really dig these versions of the songs. Impossible Germany will melt your face off and Please Be Patient is so emotional, especially after the little story.


    Anyway someone can rip the songs off of this. It would certainly make a nice little EP.

  6. Thats the September preview. When I saw them at the Downtown Rising Show the guy was still filming and wasn't even close to being finished. He must have gotten some crazy shit, the Cardinals have had quite a few line up changes before and since.

  7. Northhampton is in a beautiful part of Mass. There must be some camping around there. If you like that sort of thing, I would reccomend that.


    Pines Theater was an awesome show last year. I got my tickets, I'm pumped.

  8. Is wilcoworld still doing passwords for presales? I haven't gotten an email from them in the longest time and wouldn't want to miss out on the presale info because my computer thinks its spam.


    So does anyone know for sure?

  9. Nice! I'll see ya over there. Of course, there will be an entire section on why the Grateful Dead is the greatest thing in the history of the universe......right ? :stunned


    I got Workingman's Dead in the to do list and American Beauty is one of my top 5 albums so don't worry, I'll cover them.

  10. Recently, now that school is over, I have a lot of time on my hands and listen to a lot of music. All genres. I also had a blog which many people went to. Most were friends, others were aquaintances. I haven't posted in about year and purged my readership.


    A few weeks ago I relaunched my blog with a new directive. I've taken to discussing music I am or have been listening to. I try to approach it as intelligently and fairly as possible but everyone has their own tastes. If I don't like something but still think it's good I'll say it. If I like something and can't explain why I'll say it.


    I'm not the best writer, nor do I know all that much about music, but I know what I like and usually I know why I like it.


    I invite you all to my blog to read what I think about albums and encourage you to comment on my insane points of view. I've discussed people like Billy Bragg, Modest Mouse, Andrew Bird, and of course Wilco. I have some older jazz on my to do list as well as some classic albums.


    I also invite any and all comments in this thread. Critize me, tear me down, rip me to shreds, praise me, worship me, feel apathetic to me and feel free to do it here. I'll come in here and talk with ya'll about it.


    Here's a link for convenience.


    Background Noise


    Please note I hate grammar and cannot spell.

  11. Cheers Aquarium Bar-


    Woody: Hey Mr. Peterson, hows the world treating you?


    Norm: Eh, it was a fishy day. My boss is a real shark and I've been floundering around looking for another job but it's a whale of a task.


    If Cheers is an aquarium bar, is there still a seafood resturaunt above it?

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