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Posts posted by giantsteps

  1. Not for nothing, but...


    I do pedal repairs and mods. I work primarily for Godlyke Inc. (they distribute Maxon, Guyatone, and a host of other Japanese manufacturers) as a tech. If you'd like your Blues Driver resurrected, send me a PM and we'll hash out the details.





  2. this has happened to me on my DRRI before. are they the original tubes? try a better set of tubes (the groove tubes that came with the amp are crap) and make sure all of the hardware (even cabinet screws) on the amp is tight. it could be a loose screw that vibrates at a specific frequency.


    I had this same problem years ago with my fender bassman reissue. except that for me, at certain times all sound would cease except the humming. the tubes on my amp are ancient and I haven't played it in 6 years, so I don't know what the problem is. let us know if you find a solution.

  3. Does anyone else notice the glaring similarities between these two tunes? Like the chord changes during the chorus? And the guitar lines/tones?


    Who produced the album? I would have thinked they would have said "Uh, let's put somethign else in there than the parallel diminished arpegio lead guitar break that is oh so Harrison....)



  4. You can see what looks like a bit of the original finish peeking out near the bridge on the treble side. Perhaps sunburst? It looks like alder with a mahogany stain. Kind of Elvis Costello like. Dig the weird bridge too. I've never seen a mustang one like that.

  5. Have to make some changes/updates:


    '07 black gibson SG standard


    '93 fender standard strat with vintage noiseless (wired in series, but will be changing back to 5 way parallel)




    '69 yamaha fg18


    effects (in this order)


    home-made germanium treble booster


    crybaby wah wah


    mxr evh phase 90


    ibanez tube screamer (modded to ts808 specs, replaced chip with jrc 4558, revoiced tone cap from .22 to .1uf, and changed one of the clipping diodes to an led)


    fulltone OCD overdrive


    roger mayer voodoo vibe


    line 6 delay modeler




    '99 vox ac30 (normal channel, retubed with j/j power and tung-sol pre-amp)


    everything sounds VERY pretty right now. i only use the overdrive pedals if i need a distorted/lead sound that is beyond the half-way breakup of the vox and treble booster...

  6. when i saw wilco in vermont this summer during jeff's solo in spiders he sounded like he was fighting the guitar...i'm all for weird sounds, and i know it's supposed to sound like he's locked in a battle to the death in that song, but he LOOKED frustrated...like the guitar was spitting and not sustaining and just not happening...i like my fair share of spitty fuzzes, but not to the point of suck-a-fication...i want my guitar to kick someone else's ass.

  7. I have a 2007 Gibson SG Standard with DR 10-46 Brite Wires. (main guitar)


    Here are my pedals (in order)


    Jim Dunlop Crybaby Wah Wah (Standard)

    Modified Ibanez Tube Screamer (more gain, removed .22uF capacitor before tone circuit to take the "blanket" off)

    Fulltone OCD

    Roger Mayer Voodoo Vibe (the big box version, with an Ernie Ball Volume pedal to change speed)

    Line 6 Delay Modeler


    all signal cables are Monster




    '99 Vox AC30 (with Celestion Greenbacks, J/J power and Rectifier Tubes and Tungsram reissue pre-amp tubes)


    I also have a Leslie Model 25 that I modded for 2 speeds that I'd like to incorperate into this rig at some point.

  8. why is everyone passing on the parker fly?


    from what i've seen, heard and played they are light, have a very resonant body, and do the electric guitar/acoustic piezo thing very well...


    i know they don't have much "indie street cred" (neither does the stratocaster apparently by your suggestions...and i think the strat is even MORE versatile than a tele) but they are solid instruments...


    one day i hope jeff or nels picks one of these up and plays it for a tour...mayhap that will change perceptions...




    i think your best move is to play each and every one of those axes and find the one that makes you go "oooh" when you hit the first chord...even if it is the country gent...if i were a dad giving a guitar to my kid and they wanted the "special one" i'd be proud...as long as there is the understanding that they won't sell it and it would return to my posession if they don't want to play anymore...passing on an old friend to a member of your family is a very, very good thing...


    your pop is awesome...and you should be very thankful...


    i guess just give each axe the run around...you may be surprised which one feels and plays the best to you...

  9. i was having the same dilema when you made the thread

    i went with the tele in the end

    50s Classic


    was a toughy, the SG is a real beast..i was put off by the set neck cos im a little clumsy lol and the Tele i got is real awesome


    i'm still adjusting to it...have to set up my amplifier and pedals differently than i did with th strat...used it rehearsal for the 1st time this week and found that the thicker neck as actually EASIER on my hand than the thinner fender neck...now i just have to take it back to guitar center to have the nut slots cut a bit deeper and it will be golden...


    the sound is what got me...and the upper register access...i feel like i have to relearn the 2nd octave of the guitar because there's so much more of it than on the strat...it's nice...


    besides that...it was one of those things where i said to myself "hey i've been playing for 16 years and haven't bought a new guitar in 10...this time i want to get something REALLY nice..."

  10. Thanks giantsteps.. I've been to small bear, and plan to use them to buy parts; I'll check the other two out right now. Are you a Coltrane fan, too?


    Livingston is about 100 miles west of Knoxville, Bolivar. If you've ever been in/around Spencer, Sparta, or Cookeville, you've been fairly close. I was just in your neck of the woods a while back to see Dylan and Haggard at the Tennessee Theatre.


    yeah i love coltrane. check out mouser.com. you can buy parts there (if you know what you're looking for) for FAR less $$$.

  11. electrics:


    '93 fender standard strat with vintage noiseless


    '97 epiphone joe pass with a robert benedetto pu in the neck and '57 classic in bridge (i'm not using it right now...doesn't fit my amp of choice anymore...)




    '69 yamaha fg18




    crybaby wah wah


    ibanez tube screamer (modified for more gain)


    roger mayer voodoo vibe


    line 6 delay modeler




    '99 vox ac30 (normal channel)

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