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Posts posted by GravityEyes

  1. Wilco could record their belches and I'd be first in line to buy it. They could perform said belch album in its entirety and I'd buy a ticket. That said, this was an average show. Granted, average Wilco shows are better than most bands on their best nights, but...they were rusty and I needed beer. Dry campus, dry building = bleeccch.


    They're swell guys for doing the request-a-song thing on the website, but I'd prefer they take control and play what they want to. The jokes JT made last night about "gaming the system" were apt. And Cars Can't Escape sucked, btw. His quip, "we're gonna play it, but we're not gonna like it" rang true indeed. California Stars? Casino? Jeez. Sounded extra tired to me.


    Can't please everyone. I know, I know.


    They do play a full show, no qualms there.


    P.S. - Liam Finn and EJ layered big sounds with just two peeps and looper. Good stuff there.


    Valid points. I cannot imagine the 'request a tune idea' to be that of JT... (i smell management & marketing) he's simply far to cynical and, let's not kid ourselves, in it for his own pleasure.


    Casino sucked. Sorry. A.M. songs will never be the same w/o our friend in the sky... Pat screwed up the hooks (met with glaring stares from JT) - i love the evolution of the Wilco, but the classic twang tunes are poorly represented these days.


    For the record i loved the show and had one of the best experiences of my life holding my 9 yr old son as he sat on the rail 15 ft. from the stage. :) A roadie, or P.A. (?) brought him Glenn's sweaty towel and drumsticks after the show :)


    Wilco loves me? Well, we love them back.

  2. I am thoroughly enjoying this youtube video of I'm a Wheel from an old Leno show.

    (If the uploader is a VC folk...thanks!)


    Two questions :


    1. Do Nels and Jeff have twin Jazzmasters?

    2. Aren't Pat's windmills absolutely freakin' wonderful? I can't not smile when I see them! :wub


    Hmmm, I actually think Pat's windmills are gay .... perhaps he should spend more time playing the guitar than posing -

  3. a website for a vintage record sounds plugin for ProTools. Izotope is going to get a wealth of my Saturday's attention.


    P.S. Interesting thread topic!


    Careful with that axe Eugene :lol


    Yes, it's a very fun plugin !! I've used it for a handful of bands - usually for lo-fi sounding intros or bridges - then crossfade into the real deal. Very cool effect. Izotope is a crazy bunch of DSP freaked math heads from MIT - they make incredible stuff fo' sho !

  4. I think they were vinyl, not leather, but I could be wrong. They looked uncomfortable in any event.




    She was scarey ! :yucky


    However, I did enjoy Personal Jesus for maybe :34.2 seconds .... then i was hoping they would spontaneously combust.

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