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Posts posted by memphisto

  1. It sounded like the samples in the movie were solo acoustic, both of "The Snake Song" and "When She Don't Need Me." Do the other songs feature multiple instruments?


    Ok. I see the confusion. While im not sure if these are the acoustic versions of the songs your looking for. Been a while since I watched the film. The ones in the movie could also be from live shows. Tell you what. Send me a pm with your email address and what songs your interested in and ill send you some mp3s and you can judge for yourself.

  2. Yes. Great Documentary. Here's the way it went down. Townes recorded Seven Come Eleven but it was never released. Townes never paid for the sessions and Eggers (head of Tomato records) kept the masters. It wasnt until much later.. perhaps after his death.. that the record was released. As "The Nashville Sessions." AFAIK this is the series of events. Hell of a record.


    If anyone is interested... here's the link.


  3. So we're driving up the coast from northern California to reach our destination--Victoria, where we'll live for the next four months or so...


    Any suggestions of what to see and do, besides watch the sun set??? :blink


    Always interested in advice from VCers.



    My hometown. Word! :) Enjoy your stay..great town. Of course i'm biased. Hit me up in email or PM or something and let me know what you want to know and I'll help as best I can!.

  4. So now that I'm in college, I've decided to somewhat pursue my musical dreams. But after reading some articles about making press kits/sending things to labels, I'm a little daunted. So I was wondering if any VC musicians could 1) point me towards some good sights that will tell me how to make a good press kit, and 2)let me know of some labels that will possibly listen to stuff sent to them. Anything and everything is appriciated. Thanks.


    As far as press kits go I can't help you. But from what i've heard from label heads is basically this: "dont call us. we'll call you." They dont really listen to submitted stuff. And to just get out there.. do your best and if you're good. They'll find you. Cream always rises to the top. Some personal advice. It's a job. treat it like one.. be professional and have a sense of work ethic about what you do. Do that and you'll be fine.

  5. That can all be done at the front of house board. Or with an a/b pedal as discussed earlier in the thread. Using two pickups for that application would make no sense. It is possible, but it wouldn't make any sense.


    That is a cool pic, memphisto. I guess that is a radio station, maybe. Surely not a recording studio with no mics. As good as these pickups are, you wold never record through them, unless it was some really strange application, and I guess anything is possible with Wilco. That guitar is awesome. Beautifully broken-in and aged. It just looks like it has songs in it.


    Wait, I just realized there is no vocal mic either. I guess this is just backstage or something. But, what is up with the music stand? This pic has me curious.


    Hehe.. yeah. interesting pic it is. More here and the full story is here.. You can also get a recording of one of these shows on VC's very own BT tracker.

  6. You would have to be freakishly obsessive about your tone to ever have any reason to even imagine having 2 pickups on your acoustic, and even that doesn't answer your question. Surely, he doesn't have two pickups on there.


    lol. thats what I figured. It's just that looking up the fishman rare earth on the web. The one in that picture is at least 30-40% wider. Could be an older model I assume.


    Here's a good picture of it. Tho it looks like definatly a single unit in this pic. PIC

  7. Oooohhhh, I didn't realize you were looking for those specifics. Although, it does say he puts them in all his acoustics. Strange. Probably is a Fishman in the J45 then, but, if he likes the M1 in all his other acoustics, I'm sure it would be a good choice for you.


    Another thing I'm still not clear on is wether he has two installed in that j45. And if there are 2 then why would you have 2?

  8. Jeff uses a L.R. Baggs M1 pickup. Follow this link (scroll halfway down):



    "Jeff Tweedy with Wilco adopts the M1 as his acoustic pickup of choice. Tweedy's guitar tech, Frank Montuoro, recently informed us here at L.R. Baggs that Jeff Tweedy had heard another band member playing the M1 on stage and liked it so much that he is outfitting all of his acoustics with it for the upcoming Summer Wilco tour."


    yeah. That looks like what he has in every other guitar. but not in that j45. I can post screens of those if you like. From the same show. I'm thinking that those are Fishman in the j45's.

  9. Jeff uses Fishman Rare Earth pickups, unless my eyes decieve me.


    Fishman. eh? Looking at musiciansfriend.com they look a little thin. Could he have two installed? This electric stuff is all new too me ;) I'll look into the LR Baggs Goldbeam. Thanks for the reccomendation.


  10. My favorite general music magazine is Harp. I think it started out as a magazine for harmonica players, but now it's loaded with interviews and reviews of indie artists.


    I was just going to mention this too. I picked up Harp on a whim at the local quickie mart. (The issue with Ryan Adams on the cover) great mag. They don't seem to carry it anymore. :(

  11. My guess would be in the tens of thousands, easily.


    Yep. I have a friend who works at Tom Lee music in Vancouver. Last time I was in town I went and visited him at work. Window shopping in the vintage section I spent at least 50k ;) There was a 1949 Martin d28 for over 10k alone that I wanted.

  12. How's Guitar World Acoustic? I also wouldn't mind any suggestions on other music magazine with reviews and what not. Is Spin good? I don't want anything too MTV-ish, rather something that covers stuff that is not entirely mainstream.


    Firstly. First post here gang. Hi! :rock


    I read and buy guitar world acoustic fairly regularly. They often have interesting cover articles. A great lesson/interview with James Taylor a few years back and a recent great interview with Bob Dylan immediatly come to mind. Thats all I really know. Can't comment on any others.

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