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Posts posted by porklift

  1. KLowe,


    This is may be the best sounding audience recording I have ever heard. It's as good as a lot of soundboards I've heard. I'm visualizing everything in my head while listening to it and it's almost like being there again. Thank you very much for sharing it with us.



    I totally agree. The sound is very crisp. I'm pretty sure I was sitting one row in front of the taping rig, because I only saw two sets of mics, and one thing I thought was a videocamera on a tripod.


    I also downloaded the Oxford show, and it just doesn't compare in quality at all. Thanks again.

  2. I'm listening to the show right now, and it sounds great. I'm also seeding it, and I will try to do that off and on for as long as I can.


    Just wanted to say thanks again to the taper. There's nothing like going to a show and then getting to hear it over again.

  3. A good friend of mine was at the Oxford show, and here's what he had to say about the incident:


    Some girl had a like IV bag full of vodka in the front, down in her shirt, and Tweedy slap started asking the crowed humorously who was drinking and what not and asked her to see her bag and displayed it for the audience. Totally just having fun.


    Nobody did anything assholish. Tweedy loved the crowd and talked a long time about how there needed to be more people with alcohol in the joint to make them rock harder. He asked for everyone who smuggled booze to yell out. He said "I can SMELL that there is not ENOUGH alcohol in this place, and I don't even drink!"

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