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John Hardy

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Posts posted by John Hardy

  1. Thank you all for your gracious replies!


    I agree that Dog Days and Homegrown are their two best albums. Hearing Black Dog live still gives me chills! As does Jimmy Carter and Let's Go Runnin'. I've only seen BM live once, as they opened for Son Volt circa "Straightaways," And, if it wasn't for Jay closing the Son Volt set with "Chickamauga," BM would have stole the show! But, alas, the Jar Farrar foot stomp was in full force that evening! I'm actually surprised that Jay even played "Chickamauga" because these three or four guys in the front row kept screaming for various Tupelo songs, and you could tell Jay was a little frustrated by them! "PLAY MOONSHINER JAY!!!! WOOOO!! FACTORY BELT!!!! YOU'RE THE MAN, JAY!!!!" Well, I figure everybody left happy that night.

  2. Good morning to everyone! :music


    I just have a simple question that I hope to get an answer to. Last night, a few friends and I were enjoying a few drinks and listening to some music. The song "Blue Canoe" by Blue Mountain came on, and my friend said that it's a shame that this band broke up. I was unaware that the band dismembered. I had heard a while back that Cary and Laurie parted ways... Is this the reason why Blue Mountain is no longer?

  3. Hey all, let's sit back and enjoy a beer or two... :cheers


    Alright, here we go...


    First off, I know Wilco isn't an "indie" band. Yes, they are quite popular, and many folks have at least heard of them. But, are they as popular as, say, 9/10 of what Rolling Stone readers read about every other week? Yes, Rolling Stone writes for what's currently popular, and, I'll admit, SOME articles are well constructed, well perceived, etc. But, will we see: "Jeff Tweedy: The Rolling Stone Interview" anytime soon? Probably not. That is, unless Wilco has an album coming out, and they have run out of ideas for cover stories. So, by "Indie", I mean you're not likely to hear about this band in a big, major magazine like Rolling Stone until a new album is released, and/or reviewed. But other bands like Fall Out Boy, Evanescence (sp?), AFI, etc. are getting articles left and right because more people (teenagers) listen to that music more than they listen to Wilco.


    Secondly, the reason I'm not too keen on David Fricke is because any single one of us can do his job. Get an advance copy of _____ new album... Listen to it a few times.... And say yay, or nay. That goes for any reviewer of any magazine. I will admit that Mr. Fricke has, in the past, written great articles, and I'll also admit that he has a great ear for writing, so-to-speak. But just because he loves/dislikes an album does not mean that we all agree with him.


    Oh, and somebody mentioned that I'm a "Newbie". Yep, you're right, I am a newbie to these boards, just like everyone else on these boards were at one point. But I am not a newbie to music, Wilco related or otherwise, and I look forward to discussing music on these boards with all of you in the future.

  4. This is my first post, so hello to everybody!


    I saw the movie in the theater, loved it... I bought the DVD, loved it more (I'm a pretty big fan of extras, who isn't?) I was wondering if anybody had a copy of IATTBYH, the solo performance that opens the movie, or the rocking version of Kamera? I'd like to have these on a disk.


    Anyway, my only problem with the movie is when they start interviewing that daft prick from Rolling Stone, Robert Fricke or whatever his name is... You will soon discover that I'm not too keen on music critics/mags, etc... Esp. Rolling Stone! So, Mr. Fricke really likes Wilco, eh? Name 5 songs that's NOT on YHF! I bet he can't. He loves Wilco because Wilco pleases the critics. It's their "indie" band that, all of a sudden, does no wrong!


    Back when I was a young lad, and I took everything that Rolling Stone wrote to be the bible truth, I remember when Wilco released AM, Being There, and Summerteeth... I think at BEST Being There got like 3 1/2 stars, and the others got 3. While other sub-par albums were getting the 4 1/2 stars. (Nirvana's "In Utero", Primus' "Pork Soda," etc...)


    Fast-Forward to 2002, the year of the corporate hate... YHF got the love it deserved, 4 1/2 stars or whatever, and Ghost got the very same. Hence, Wilco became the darlings of Corporate Rock America! Because they were "big" enough to be heard of, but now, their indie label status made all the lightbulbs flash inside the heads of all the so-called journalists, as if to say... "Hey, these guys are good after all! Let's all jump on the Wilco bandwagon and give them all the love they need!" Well, you may love them now, but you're getting no love from this Wilco fan!


    So, tell me, Mr. Rolling Stone Reporter, how many stars did you give No Depression, or Still Feel Gone? Oh, you've never heard of those albums? For shame! What about March? Really, it was produced by Peter Buck, and I know you all love REM... Nothing? OK, how about Anodyne? Really, you were about to give out some love, but they broke up, so it doesn't really matter?


    In closing, I'm actually a very nice guy, but if the music sounds good, listen to it, and if you don't like it, don't listen to it. Don't listen to mag's like Rolling Stone and Spin to get the inside scoop on music... Because Journalism degree or not, it's still just a matter of opinion.

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