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Posts posted by awpile

  1. Hey everybody,


    My friend saw Glenn perform with Bang on a Can in Philly and bragged to me about all the time she spent talking with him after the show, talking about drumming, Wilco, and, of course, the new album.


    For those of you in the DC-Baltimore corridor, I wanted you know that Glenn is joining Bang on a Can again for their performance at UMD's Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center. It looks like he's going to be performing several pieces from his solo albums:



    If you have a student ID, tickets are $7. Otherwise, they are $35.


    Hope to see you there,



    ...Full Disclosure: I work at the Clarice Smith Center. Sorry if this post comes off as shameless promotion, but I thought you'd want to know now instead of after the fact when one of your friends talks about how great it was.

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