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Posts posted by branny

  1. I've played some awesome Les Paul Studios, and agree that you can find some really sweet ones.


    I agree, those schroeders are probably jtm45 replicas, or at least nels' is. I wonder how much they cost, since most hand built replicas of old marshalls are way up there in the price range.


    The guitar I was mentioning, though, isn't the les paul studio but something else - i found some flickr photos that have it in them. And, in the process of posting this i realized i'm pretty sure that it's on of these by Zemaitis - http://www.zemaitis.net/disc-front-zemaitis-guitars.htm






    Anyway, they have sick amounts of incredible equipment, and get great tone. sweet.

  2. I was at the Hammerstein show last night and noticed that Jeff and Nels were playing through different amps than I'd seen in photos, videos, etc. So, after the show my friend and I walked toward the stage to get a closer look - the name plate on both of them said "Schroeder" and a google search yielded this: http://www.schroederguitarrepair.com where they mention that Nels and Jeff are playing custom amps on this tour. The other thing I noticed is that Jeff played a guitar i'd never seen before; it the body shape was tele-esque, as were the look of the controls but it had 3 humbuckers and a headstock more like a gibson, it was black with a silver pickguard.

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