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Posts posted by whoyaburnfrontman

  1. Damn people lets not get carried away. I was just rambling when i got home today, and i didnt mean to disrespect anyone with my garbage. I dont have the best spelling and grammar, but i guess i better start trying. I would'nt want to start a fucking world war or something.

    Thanks mountianbed for trying to get this thing back on topic.

  2. so bushes man mitch came up with this great idea for the state of indiana to make money by taking in inmates from other states i live in muncie and the town next door has a prision and today there was a huge riot between inmates from arizona and the local indiana inmates from what was on the news the arizona inmates tried to take over and destroyed alot of equipment and burned a bunch of matresses all of this resulted in the whole town fearing that they would have lose convicts running around town and most activities in town where cancled

    so heres to you mitch good idea :thumbup

  3. wed oct. 4, 2006 7:30pm

    elliott hall of music

    purdue university

    my mom and ju

    my sister casie and i and big al

    it was amazing


    then 4 days later


    sun oct. 8, 2006 8:00pm

    one of the most beautiful places i've been

    iroquois amphitheater

    louisville kentucky

    ju and i

    i totally lucked into this one and it was so awesome

  4. i caught your soul in a bag

    i dont think you'll get it back

    i didnt want you in this place

    i didnt want you near my home

    i have nothing to say

    i never wanted it to be this way


    i keep your soul in a jar

    i keep you safe from harm

    you should be

    be free

    you should of never came to me

    and you

    you are so beautiful


    you are so wonderful


    i'd break the glass and set you free

    if you'd never bother me

    you could fly

    fly away

    i would stay

    stay away

    i have nothing to say

    i never wanted it to be this way


    (who ya burn)


    just for some cheep advertisment

    this song will be on the new cd we are in the studio for :thumbup

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