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zack a.

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Posts posted by zack a.

  1. Whoa, was that a new song, or "You Were Wrong" from the first Loose Fur record?


    see, i thought it was "you were wrong," but i swear he said afterwards that the song was going to be on the new record. maybe i'm also getting the banter mixed up, as there was a lot of it.


    banter highlights:

    1) "what's your favorite side?" -- jeff's discussion about memphis' great food led to a free-for-all between jeff and the audience about favorite side dishes / "vegetables" as we call them in the south.


    2) "the game" -- after the scatological humor at the beginning of the show jeff said, "remind me later to tell you about this game i know," which turned out to be the following: take any band name and imagine its inspiration came from a specific shit. literally. the audience began yelling band names, and some of the more hilarious ones were: the rolling stones, weezer, green day, black sabbath, big star, muddy waters, howlin' wolf. someone yelled "the beach boys" and jeff said, "i think you found the only band name that doesn't work in this game. good job."


    anyway. outstanding sound in that room, and a great show. i told my friend the only way he could have made me happier was by playing for about seven hours longer. ;-) the mic-less "acuff" was a life moment for me...

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