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Posts posted by stickman

  1. Been around since 99? They must have been teenagers when they started.


    Actually the Cliffs Notes version is that in the early 90s/mid90s the singer was in a band with what would become Daft Punk. So he was about mid 20s when Phoenix started. Not to come off as a knowitall fuck but I've been diggin Phoenix for a good number of years now. ;) :rolleyes :sleep

  2. I think I've read the following:


    # 1.3 Animal Farm

    # 1.6 Bluebeard

    # 1.12 Catch-22

    # 1.16 The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger

    # 1.17 The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands

    # 1.19 The Epic of Gilgamesh

    # 1.20 Everything That Rises Must Converge

    # 1.22 Grimm's Fairy Tales

    # 1.24 Heart of Darkness

    # 1.29 The Invention of Morel

    # 1.34 Lancelot

    # 1.37 Lord of the Flies

    # 1.39 Moby Dick

    # 1.44 Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

    # 1.45 The Odyssey

    # 1.46 Of Mice and Men

    # 1.47 On the Road

    # 1.51 The Outsiders

    # 1.52 Pearl, The

    # 1.55 Stranger in a Strange Land

    # 1.56 The Shape of Things to Come

    # 1.59 Slaughterhouse-Five

    # 1.60 Stand, The

    # 1.64 A Tale of Two Cities

    # 1.65 The Third Policeman

    # 1.67 To Kill a Mockingbird

    # 1.69 Ulysses

    # 1.71 VALIS

    # 1.74 A Wrinkle in Time


    Not to hijack the thread, but A-Man, what did you think of The Third Policeman? I don't know too many people who've read that book.

  3. I sure hope it aint Paulo and Nikki. That would be disappointing, not even because the people in the cave have to play a significant role in the show, but just because they sucked so bad.

  4. See I disagree with that. Just because they can't change the past doesn't necessarily mean they don't have free will. If they went back to present time, then they very well may have the will to do what ever they'd like.


    Yeah I'm more along these lines. I think the past is the past, and you can't change what has already happened. Just because it is the Losties future, doesn't mean it isn't occurring in the past, which has already happened and can't be changed. I think they very much have free will but just not the ability to change the past.

  5. But secretly I hope he implanted everyone on the island with little things that explode their hearts and he just kills everyone and walks off.


    I would be so incredibly happy with that ending.


    And if the bomb didn't go off, and they only flashed forward, I think it is pretty clear that Miles was right and the future can't be changed. We've seen this with Sayid trying to kill Ben, and the Losties actions creating the future they were trying to change...same thing with the bomb and the incident. I'm starting to believe more and more that the past can't be changed, even though it is the Losties' present. They were always in Dharma in the 1970s, and just because to them, it is their present, it is still the past, and their present actions can't change that.

  6. I think that Esau (biblical blah blah about Jacob and his twin brother Esau who fight a lot) couldn't use Ben and had to use Locke was because he needed to get the whole timeloop thing going. Hence the compass and pretty much everything Locke has done that has had any significance on the island. I'm glad Locke was a tool this whole time...totally fits his character development from seasons 1 and 2.


    And Jacob's touching of everyone he visited, definitely played an important role in something.

  7. I've had a couple of thoughts on Jacobs final words but let me address the beginning of next season. If they do in fact end up in the first scene of the show, I think that they are cognizant of what has occurred, similar to how they were when they flashed through time this season. That's why Jack look so surprised, and his wounds too! I just thought of that, his wounds could be from Sawyer's beating! Dang a comparison of screenshots would be rad. Anyway, I think if that's the case, it would play out like Back to the Future II, but I'm not quite sure what they would do with that...so maybe that isn't the answer.


    But as for Jacob's warning to his enemy...this might get a little winded but bear with me. Jacob's cabin from the previous season's? I don't think that was either Jacob's cabin or Jacob. Jacob clearly lived in the statue, and I think it was Jacob's enemy being locked in the cabin by the ash that surrounded it. When the ash had that line broken through it that Iliana noticed in the finale, Jacob's enemy broke free allowing him to become proxy for John Locke. BUT this was after telling John Locke to "Help him" (him being Jacob's enemy). Confused yet? Basically, Jacob's enemy put everything into motion for Locke to become the leader of the others, and when Locke's dead body returned, he was able to assume it. Another thought that might be related, might not, is that Jacob wanted to die for whatever reason, but couldn't....that's why the man on the beach (or enemy) in the beginning of tonight's finale said "I wish I could kill you", he sincerely wanted to put him out of his misery, and for whatever reason had to have someone else (Ben) do it for him...this is all after proving Jacob wrong about the timeloop business.


    I lost steam and my head hurts, and there is no point in trying to make too much sense out of all of this. Yet.

  8. Ok so my guess, that I've had in some form or another for a while, and was only reinforced by that shot after the show ended...The bomb sent Jack, etc. back to when they first crashed on the island. That opening shot from the pilot with Jack's eye...I'm thinking that's where/when they get sent back to - not LAX as Sawyer said. Something just wasn't right about that first scene with Jack running around the coast until he turned the corner and saw the plane wreckage.


    And I think it's pretty evident that the Locke that has been walking around the island is Jacob's enemy from the beginning of the finale. And also probably Alex and by extension Christian. I'm guessing the "they" that are coming according to Jacob are Illiana and the box crew with real Locke's body.


    I dunno, I'm still kinda amped from the end of that.






    The dudes all the way back in the 70s are the ones that are coming to 2007 to Jacob/Fake Locke/Richard/Ben etc.

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