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Posts posted by ryan

  1. saskatoon setlist:

    wilco (the song)

    i am trying to break your heart

    bull black nova

    you are my face

    one wing

    shot in the arm

    at least thats what you said

    deeper down

    handshake drugs

    impossible germany

    california stars

    jesus etc

    you never know

    via chicago

    i must be high

    heavy metal drummer

    cant stand it



    cover (i think it was the neil young buffalo springfield song broken arrow?)*

    late greats

    red-eyed and blue

    i got you

    hate it here


    im the man who loves you


    im a wheel*


    *not on setlist, but played



    i have seen wilco a dozen or so times and this was def one of the best shows that i have seen. they were tight. a lot of great songs, loved the handshake drugs to via chicago six song micro-set. they have an interesting stage and use the lights and the textured background well to create different moods. as bands look for new revenue streams, they are turning to smaller centres. saskatoon, population 250,000 is one of them. lets hope they come back here every few years. show was not sold out, but 90% full in a 2700 seat venue.

  2. I went to the Calgary and Edmonton shows. They played six different songs in Edmonton. That is a 25-30% change in one night. Which I think is perfect. Every song was played at a different spot too. I can't argue with any setlist as each concert has it's own fajizzle. Reading the setlists may be boring to some, but if you are the shows, it is completely different.


    If you want to see a boring setlist, check out u2tours.com. Maybe one different song a night and every song in the same order. But still entertaining.

  3. If the new songs are any indication of what he is writing drug-free, then I am happy that Jeff has kicked his habits. The new songs are incredible and get better each night. I feel that the next wilco album will be the best one.

  4. Regarding Jeff's leg... I am recalling what he said in the Calgary Herald interview and onstage in Calgary and Edmonton.


    Apparently he has a stress fracture in both legs, although only his left is in a brace. He said that he runs 7-8 miles a day now. In Calgary, the leg didn't seem to bother him too much, although the next night in Edmonton he sat on the stool for a little bit and didn't move around the stage as much as Calgary.


    Jeff said that it was a pain-killer free recovery. You might want to check the Calgary show post as it has some more info on the leg.

  5. We all thought the setlist for tonight was better than the set in Calgary. Some personal favs were added, which made a difference. The second encore was great; good to hear hesitating beauty. Six different songs from the night before.


    The band was tighter tonight. Less joking around and more serious. Jeff didn't talk as much tonight as last night, but did say some humerous things. He had a way better outfit (green blazer and jeans) and looked a lot less tired. He sat down for part of one song on his spiffy new Wilco stool.


    It was a completely different show as tonight there were theatre style seats. Last night it was standing only. Tonight the room was more subdued. Security made people sit in their seats until the end when everyone was standing. The veunue was 3/4 full, but I am sure that it is at least 3 times bigger than the one in Calgary. However, there was a lot of energy, even though we were sitting.


    The sound wasn't very good for the first few songs, but it was cleaned up and by then end was great.


    Impossible Germany is a really really good song. Nels has a little guitar riff in it that has a ringing sound which is very catchy. I hope that someone posts it somewhere. Also cool to hear Thanks I Get as this is the first time that I heard it.


    If I had to pick Edmonton or Calgary, I liked Edmonton better, but I wish we could have stood.

  6. hell is chrome

    handshake drugs

    shot in the arm

    she's a jar

    impossible germany


    break your heart

    war on war

    at least that's what you said

    jesus etc.

    company in my back



    i'm the man who loves you



    via chicago



    airline to heaven

    hesitating beauty

    heavy metal drummer

    thanks i get?

    late greats

  7. One other thing that I forgot to add above is that many of the songs were played at a slower tempo than on Kicking TV or some of the bootloegs i'v heard from last year. Handshake drugs, Spiders, Shot in the Arm, War on War come to mind.

  8. I have not seen Wilco for about two years (this was my eighth time). I thought the show was great. The entire band was in the best mood that I have ever seen them. Joking around and laughing at each other during and inbetween songs.


    Jeff talked more than I remember, crafting some great stories. Escpecially about his foot. He was at his best, and seemed comforatble in a "i'm in a cast" kind of way. He talked about how this is a "pain-killer" free recovery. His suit was cool (he wore it at soundcheck too). But it made him look heavier.


    Glen was on fire... it is worth the price alone to watch him drum. And I love watching John groove. Nels really makes the band osund better.


    Impossible Germany (second song) was like something that could have been on YHF.


    I went by around 4:00 to pick up tickets and they were doing soundcheck. I heard them do another new song that wasn't played. I also heard handshakes drugs before I left, but they were still going.


    I agree with some of the previous posts that they had some interesting transitions between songs. New combos, etc. I liked the setlist, enough songs, spanning 10 years of music.


    We are going to see them in edmonton tonight, so I will post again later today. Also, have some photos and video, but won't get to post these until I get home this weekend.

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