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Posts posted by KneeDeepWP

  1. First time poster... long time lurker...


    The Alabama Theatre show had the most respectful audience I have ever been apart of. It was almost eerie. The draw back was that since majority of the audience was so attentive, it made the few who weren't really stand out. Probably the first show I've ever been to where you could actually hear the subtle beeps of a digital camera from four or five rows away. If You watched the Acuff video you could tell that you could hear a pin drop in the place during the the rests, which is surreal considering there were 2500 people there. Jeff referred to the audience as "the abyss" in reference to the sunken treasure DVD. However, he had great audience interaction. Kinda made you feel like you were sitting in a living room with a few people listening to him play.


    Some highlights of Jeff's Banter at the AL Theatre (paraphrased slightly):


    "It's like I'm singing to my therapist naked"


    To the lady who insisted Jeff dedicate Mountain Bed (which he had already played) to her husband:

    "You know, a better way to do that would have been to just pat him on the arm and say, 'Honey, that one's for you.'"


    Jeff Tweedy returns to stage for an encore:

    Man in Crowd - "What did you do back there?"

    Jeff Tweedy - "Well, let's see... I walked back there and I stood."

    Man in Crowd - "Did you smile?"

    Jeff Tweedy - "Yes, I smiled. Your applause makes me smile.... I smiled the smile of a sweetly retarded man."


    To the same man:

    "I hope they don't ever turn on the houselights, because I already have a picture of you in my head and I don't want to be disappointed. Let's see.... right now you are seven feet tall, you are wearing a shirt with cutoff sleeves, and you have a handle bar mustache..... oh, and you rode her on motorcycle with a sidecar."

    (turns out that Tweedy really wasn't too far off in his desc.)


    The most miserable part of the night:

    "Music is my savior......... and I was maimed by rock and roll

    I was maimed by rock and roll...."

    (cell phone rings) Tweedy, "sir, you wanna go ahead and get that?"

    "I was tamed by rock and roll....

    I got my name from rock and roll"


    Also he continued on with the Jeff Lepard bit... Had a t-shirt that covered one of his on stage gearboxes that said "jeff lepard. pour some tweedy on me."

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