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Posts posted by thedank

  1. I thought they were fairly bland. It was as if they had some toys, love music, and were trying their best to be a band. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they can't play or weren't trying, but they are missing direction. The singing was nothing to write home about and consisted of pretty much the same sounds over and over. I don't remember anything I heard which I haven't heard somewhere else. Seemed pretty one dimensional and limited.


    I didn't mind sitting through it, but it's nothing I'd go out of my way to see again unless it improved. Wish them the best of luck. They seemed like good people. Bands grow and perhaps they will continue to expand as well. Gotta keep trying.

  2. SarahC - My wife and I sat next to you. Neither of us was annoyed. Glad you got to meet him and had a good time. We certainly did.


    She said you mentioned wanting to be a music teacher of some sort and how that seemed to fit you. Said you were real nice.

  3. what exactly happened? cause i walked out during the beginning of theologians and i come back and he had just started playing again, and then stopped and said something about a kid.


    He started and it was real quiet. Then, you hear what sounds like a baby crying for a second. He kept going and looked confused. Then he stopped and said, "Is there a child here?...Man, this is getting really strange."

  4. Agreed - it was a fantastic show. We saw a rig, but my wife heard one of the tapers say they weren't going to post it for some reason...


    Great show. Only one I saw this tour so can't say how it was in relation to others. Still, I had a great time and Tweedy impressed me once again. It's very cool to see him as a professional nowdays at the top of his craft. I think back to meeting him in '96 with Bennett for an interview, then their tirad at the show later that night. He's really grown into a pro. The last few Wilco shows have been spot on as well.


    Great banter, in control the whole night, enjoyed every minute of it. Immigrant Song was great. The child crying was funny. A+ show. Hopefully I'll see him solo again sometime.


    The guy with a rig's girl was there as I walked out. She was telling someone to check on here. She wasn't sure, but dude was trying to get an email and she didn't want to deal with that. She was just saying to check around that he does post stuff. Hopefully it comes out.l

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