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Posts posted by petboysherman

  1. My first concert was Van Halen in 1982 (5th Grade) with my dad. I'll never forget it.


    My son's first show was Wilco while he was in utero! We picked up a Wilco onesy at the show and he wore it in his first portrait (taken at the hospital).


    Just thought I'd add that. FWIW..

  2. Bump for regular on-sale info.


    Got row X (floor) for Wed. night.


    Has anyone seen a show at the State Theatre?

    Saw Frank Black/They Might Be Giants year ago. Very close. I really like it as a music venue...FWIW.

  3. I think it has some nice songs on it, but I guess I'm not as overwhelmed as most. A good record to be sure, though.


    Maybe I'm just not in the right mood.

    I kind of agree. I guess I'm not totally on board with the post-YHF albums (in their entirety). The addition of Nels, Sansone, and O'Rourke have me feeling like the addition of fine musicianship has left the songs with a little less soul. It might be a product of overproduction (due to technical proficiency of new musicians?) but I've found most of the songs since SBS (and parts of AGIB) too slick for my tastes.


    I'm glad Wilco is creating superior music and I will always support them with album purchases and live shows. But things change and I kind of mourn the "old" rougher-cut Wilco, as silly as that sounds...


    Still better than 99% of what's out there and I'm grateful for that.

  4. No offense at all to Jay, but Jeff and the band are a little occupied right now with their tour and such.


    It's clearly on their (or at least Jeff's) mind, and Jay should be mourned, but expecting a long appreciation to be posted on Wilcoworld already is a bit much.


    I don't think anybody expects a long anything from Wilco. Surely they are grieving too. But the above comment is about how subtle "RIP Jay Bennett" link appears on the Wilco homepage - it's rather well-hidden and appears in delayed animation.

  5. I'm feeling like it's a case of no one knowing who should say it publicly first.


    Wonder if Wilco will make any public statement? This has to be a difficult day for Jeff, John, LeRoy, Glenn, etc...

  6. i love how after just a couple hours people have already made their final judgments about an album theyve heard at most a couple times. gotta love the internet.....


    Really? Looks to me like these are initial responses to a new album. I fail to see any mention of, "That's how I hear it and that's final!" Seems the small handful who don't like it are simply underwhelmed but willing to be open to it, knowing how Wilco songs can grow through listens and live interpretations.


    Give people a little credit. Yours aren't the only ears in the world.

  7. I really keep trying to like it... I really keep trying. It's just not happening. I am glad you like it though. i wish I did. I wanted to!


    My wife and I are longtime fans to UT and Wilco. Our child "saw" Tweedy live and Wilco live while he was in utero. His first baby pictures were taken in a Wilco onesie. We were thrilled to hear about the release and, like all fans, wanted to love it (or at least like it on first listen). While it sounds well-produced, unfortunately it sounds surprisingly trite, which is disappointing.


    So Halsey, I couldn't agree with you more. I've listened to this thing about seven times now (still haven't closed the stream!) and I just can't warm up to it, try as I might. I mean, even on initial listens to AGIB, there were several things I really loved almost immediately. This? Not so much.


    I realize many here love this thing, and I'm sure it'll grow on me, too. But good lord, given the opportunity to make an album with this talent and amount of money, I'm afraid Wilco missed this opportunity and instead created a pot of mid-tempo mashed potatoes...of course with all due respect. I hope it grows on me.


    Did they decide to leak this to pre-empt the thunder of Son Volt's upcoming release? :ninja Okay, that's overboard.

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