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Posts posted by swirlaround

  1. he's "liberal" - which is a misnomer the way it's used in America - who exactly are you going to vote for?... in fact, that's sort of his point. that the Republicans are evil but the Democrats have no backbone. you should be more angry about that than the fact that some guy on a message board used the word "pussy" and pointed out the obvious.

    Agree with you here if they had a set of balls between all of them, it would already be president Pelosi

  2. How does that make him authentic?? Thats nothing more than your opinion/description of who you see him as. I was referring to whether you can trust a candidate to do whatever is in their abilities to make the changes they appear to want to create. If someone is authentic they are trustworthy and reliable...and Bush has proven not the be the former. How does being an "arrogant oil man" make him authentic to the American people??


    Was going with this definition "authentic - genuine, not false or copied" not as in trustworthy.

    and If any of the candidates could be trusted they would not have made it this far.

    Didn't Bill promise us health care? Now you think Hill will bring it to us, unlikely.

  3. Personally, I'm not excited about anyone. Obama, maybe, just because I'd be interested to see what he could do. Even Guilliani or McCain would create a little excitement.


    If you think 4 war year is exciting


    Oh yeah... and that perjury thing. :thumbup


    About WMD's

  4. if hillary enters the white house and is a two term president (which isn't out of the realm of possibility) that would make 28 years that either a bush or a clinton resided in the white house. 36 years if you count bush senior's years as the vice president.


    think about that for a minute.


    then consider where we are as a nation and how new blood might just be the answer.


    i'm sorry, but i just can't accept a continuation of these two families stranglehold on the presidency...ENOUGH ALREADY!!!


    Nicely put when will we be like most other countries and get a 3rd, 4th, 5th, and even 6th party?

    we all need to quit listening to the lamestrem media.

    I don't know too many conservatives that are happy with the republicrats, nor to many liberals that are happy with the demicans.

  5. I'm not rich either, but I have worked hard to be able to get a job with a good company that provides good benefits.. The goverment didn't give me that..


    Well you should thank your grandparents and the rest of that generation for having, the right stuff, to stand up to big business and, getting a 40 hour work week, health benefits, safe working environments, and pensions.

    and slam the me generation, for laying down and giving back most of these. What's a pension? Health benefits, I pay a little more for each year for a little less coverage, working 50 hours a week for 40 hours a week pay, that's 25% free for the corporate boys. When is the last time anyone ever got a 25% raise?


    Yeah, maybe they are better at appearing so. But if its good enough to appear authentic to the American people, it will surely benefit our country especially in matters of foreign relations and policy to have a president who appears authentic whether they are or not.


    W is authentic. He's an arrogant texas oil man


    "If someone is poor, it's always the result of choices they made somewhere along the line."


    That's a direct quote from my Republican sister. How do we combat a worldview that replaces reality with a cartoon?


    Yea like the family I was born into.

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