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Posts posted by RastaRunner

  1. i always took it that Dylan had the beard in late 60's early 70's when he was secluded in woodstock, not putting out well- received album, not caring about whats going on in the outside world, and just chilling with his family...so i took it as just a guy who breaks up and wants to be away from it all

  2. i just watched the trailer for the new Wes Anderson film (it looks awesome)...there was a song in it, which i now have learned is called Strangers, and i remember it being done by Wilco....where did i hear this?? i can almost swear i heard tweedy's voice singing this

  3. Thanks for posting this. I actually am a big fans of his and love what he has written about Wilco. Now that he's kind of a sports writer I was wondering how I would find out what he thought of Sky Blue Sky. What was his reading for? Does he have something coming out? I have been to a bunch of his readings and know they are always entertaining.


    the reading was for the paperback of IV...he has a fiction piece coming out early 08...he says its almost done and hes the only one who has seen it

  4. i was at a Chuck Klosterman book signing in NYC at a Barnes and Nobles last thursday and during the Q&A i told him how much i enjoyed is wilco article in his recent publication Chuck Klosterman IV. i thought he did a real nice job with a difficult story...i then proceeded to ask him what he thought of Sky Blue Sky. he was quick to answer that it was his favorite record by Wilco

  5. worst crowd ever....i had first row in mezz 2 and the show started for me as the lights turned black and i got up to chear in excitement. a guy from two rows up immediately ran down and screamed at me to sit down.....then i moved to one of those like booths...i was on the right and everyone in there were on blackberries, talking, getting up for beer during the middle of crucial moments


    soo pissed

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