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Posts posted by DennisinCPH

  1. Sorry to spam as i did post it someplace else, but given that the clip is of a fantistic solo done live, I figure it's relvant here as well:




  2. Hi All,


    I was at this show. Some thoughts first:


    -I missed the opener! After traveling 4 hours from Copenhagen, I liesurely walked to the venue.. this show was so EARLY!! I somehow got the idea that there was an opening band. oops. it was great that it was still easy to get to a spot 30 feet from the stage without even being pushy.


    -A great show. I don't hear much of other shows, but it was a solid setlist, and the band was in a decent mood and very tight.


    Especially liked the Poor Places transition to Kidsmoke and the new tunes....



    But anyway, I taped most of it in pretty decent quality. If no other copies are around, i could get mine into MP3 I guess. I am by no means a serious taper, and normally only tape to review the show again for myself-- But I have decent in-ear mics, and what I got turned out nicely. Anyway, I'm not really hooked into this world-- how do people normally distribute shows?

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