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Posts posted by hillyfaekillie

  1. Excellent!!! (apart from the guy down front badly clapping, who looks suspiciously like yours truly). Take it as a botched attempt to stop you contravening the 'no video' rule - you'll probably be banned from now on...



    OOpps my enthusiasm for all things Wilco got me.My most humble apologies. :blush

  2. Just two brilliant nights of music with Friday just pipping it.The first night i also was at left hand side of stage but never got "Clined" but got Spanished.Somehow got caught up in a circle of yabbering Spanish folk talked thru every moment.Ah well that's life.Hummingbird was a highlight as Jeff was Sans guitar and was giving it laldy with the microphone.Started swinging it 360 degrees by his side let it go and came crashing down near Mikaels keyboards.Anyway great night and seriously thinking of getting over to London in November

  3. Just two brilliant nights of music with Friday just pipping it.The first night i also was at left hand side of stage but never got "Clined" but got Spanished.Somehow got caught up in a circle of yabbering Spanish folk talked thru every moment.Ah well that's life.Hummingbird was a highlight as Jeff was Sans guitar and was giving it laldy with the microphone.Started swinging it 360 degrees by his side let it go and came crashing down near Mikaels keyboards.Hope Friday nights set pops up on the Owl this was absolutely the best i have seen the band blistering

  4. Well you only had to ask me to move!! was actually taking some pictures that night and the security guy in the photo pit invited me to stay there for the gig which I wasn't gonna decline. Anyway I'm sure you got your own back with the Bacharach gag (cheeky f*****).


    Sadly won't be there this time - any more than the twice already this week would probably be overdoing it. But come over to London in November and I'll buy you a beer.


    Hope you get as varied a set over the two nights as we got last time.


    Sorry to see you won't be there this time. By the way i never called you Burt and was wondering what the hell it meant until you replied.You never know i may be daft enough to come over to London to see a show do i still qualify for that beer!!! Ha

  5. whats that venue like? it looks pretty cool on the interweb


    Its a good intimate venue.Large bar outside mainhall. Always seem to get good view amd always get near the front without any pushing or barging may i add

  6. Well, one more day to go until Wilco take to Vicar St,Dublin once again, cannae wait.Who else is going? Lets hope a certain "Sportscaster" if he is going doesn't block anyones view ho ho

  7. Just listened to the album.Its a grower. Fave tracks so far One Wing (Nels does get to stertch out a bit at the end), Black Bull Nova, You Never Know and Sunny Feeling. If i was to give this a grade on the listens so far then its a B+. As i say its a grower and i am looking forward to hearing these tracks live :thumbup

  8. http://www.flickr.com/photos/hillyfaekilli...57603238210819/


    Hey all link above to my quite bad photos of Thursday evening. You may be in some of them !!!!

    Anyway absolutely STU-PEND-OUS show from beginning to end. Judges wig, cuddly toys being thrown at Glenn,Jeff giving the finger to the VW guy, Jeff at the end of one song thanking everyone for coming even those sanctamonious pricks also !! (i'm sure that's what i heard) Nels guitar wizardry, the huge grins on everyones faces all evening. SIMPLY THE BEST CONCERT ever. :worship

  9. After seeing Wilco at Shepard's Bush in May the wife and i wouldn't miss this for the world. It doesn't matter what they play it will be all good. Staying in jury's just up the road so will be there plenty early to soak in the atmosphere and have a few jars.

  10. I 3rd they come to Ireland :thumbup Ok then if and when they do announce some dates in Ireland where will they play ? Probably in Dublin but which venue would you like to see them play ? The Olympia would be nice.

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