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Posts posted by kidsdontsmoke

  1. after being a wilco fan for a couple of years now (ever since their amsterdam show in 2002), I finally decided to join up to apologize for getting heard at last night's show and explain..

    :shy (those who were at the show know what I'm talking about)


    I consider saying "play one of your own songs" a compliment because it says in a very bent way that all the songs that are played are so good, they just can't be all own songs.

    usually bands have a couple of okay songs, but the best songs out of a set often are covers.

    so saying "play one of your own songs" to me is saying that they are all winners.

    it left my lips before I could help it.. sorry 'bout that.. ;) at least I got the whole band smiling, they looked so serious playing without breaks


    to me this gig equaled the 2002 gig, making it the best show I saw this year, and I see about 1000 bands a year..

    tonight's live version of 'shake it off' was one of the highlights from the new album to me.

    I hope I get a chance to see them again somewhere in the states this summer..


    :dance eric.

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