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Flying Rabbit

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Posts posted by Flying Rabbit

  1. What was up with the Pork Chop and Ce-le-ry yelling? Is this a Wilmington, DE thing or related to the stadium? No idea...

    I still can't believe Jeff actually ate a bite of the celery that someone threw on stage--yucky! And he asked for more! =)



    The Porkchop thing was in reference to the Bonnaroo show where Tweedy said "I was expecting porkchop flags" or something to that extent. That would be my guess. The celery thing got annoying. Especially since they kept throwing strings of it up on us in the front row.


    We were a little disappointed as well with the setlists for the past 2 shows we saw on this tour (WT and Wilm.). I think the fact that each album they release does better and better, new fans are attending huge shows like this. Its been the experience of my wife and I that the later shows of the tour, or subsequent non-album supporting shows really flesh out their catalog. Still, its cool to see them in a stadium. We've seen the gambit of venues from clubs, upscale venues, to small places (hello Morgantown). Very cool to see them progress and play well anywhere.

  2. Caught them at the Black Cat in DC last night. Great show--they are a surprisingly tight band, considering they haven't played together all that much. Neff's work on pedal steel and on lead guitar was terrific. It didn't have near the energy of a DBT show, in part because of the number of ballads, and in part because the crowd was a bit lame, but probably the best $15 I'll spend this year. In addition to most of "Oscar," they played Big Star's Kangaroo, DBT's Feb. 14 and Something's Gotta Give Pretty Soon, as well as some songs I didn't recognize.


    Oh, and Wilco's "One Wing" played on the PA before they came out on stage. That was pretty cool, too.



    Agreed that the crowd was lame. I was upfront, but could still hear the torrent of conversation going on around the bar areas. Don't get why people pay essentially a $15 cover charge to drink PBR. I'll also agree how great PH was. Will Johnson was incredible. I wished he would've done a monster 2 hour set, but still it was great to see him play with the Screwtopians. Neff is amazing. I wonder if he ever writes anything. I'm sure it'd be a decent record.


    I came into the show kinda meh on the album, but it certainly sold it for me. Ending with Elton John's "All The Girls Love Alice" was stunning.


    I stayed around to get my record signed and talk with Patterson. Really nice guy. Absolutely genuine.


    Here I am with him:



  3. All in all, this was a really solid show. Despite not having really anything that I haven't heard live, it is probably in my top 3 for favorite shows by them. I'm a "Bawlmer" boy, so this was definitely special for me, with all the references to The Wire, and in Kingpin ("...Maryland"). However, for me the most awe-inspiring, freakout moment came with IATTBYH>Spiders. WOW! Incredible.


    Also, since no one has mentioned him, I'd like to say that while he hasn't been the best opener for Wilco, Benjy Ferree was pretty good. Once you get over his awkward banter "Peace and Love, Peace, Peace, Peace and Love!", his music was quite good. I picked up the LP and when I got home played side 1 while checking email and am definitely adding his new record to my queue to buy when it comes out in 09.


    Super great time, beautiful venue, and of course an amazing band.


    BTW--did anyone else see the street vendors selling whippets (not the dog...) after the show? Haha.

  4. If you got shot down for tix try calling the actual venue a few weeks before the show. Sometimes seats are reserved for patrons and season ticket holders. They have the option of keeping them before the venue releases the tickets. It happens a lot with venues like this. Not saying its a definite, but its worth a try.

  5. Yep, TM screwed me too. I was at the checkout, hit enter and the next window just never came up. I've had more bad experiences with TM than good...why bands decided to work through them, I have no idea.





    "If the event just went on sale, keep trying. When a customer is viewing specific seats, only that customer sees those seats, if a customer decides not to buy, then the seats automatically become available to other customers.

    If the event has been on sale a while, check back often, many times tickets become available prior to the event."

  6. I'll let my wife upload the Wilco pics, but here are some Low pics from the show, and 2 Jeff Tweedy's that I took. She's got a bunch more.






    Sorry for the watermarks, I've been burned on posting concert pics before, and them being stolen.







  7. Yeah the show was great.


    We (Sam and I) got front row center! Right in front of Tweedy.


    Low was amazing, though I felt really bad that the crowd was not into them, and were talking and yelling during their entire set. I did snag a setlist from them, so I was happy with that. Nels came out and played with them even for a little while. This tour has to be awkward for Low. Fans just don't seem to get them, which I don't understand. To each their own I suppose. They seemed to be enamored though by my requests as Alan and co. smiled to each other each time I said something. Maybe they just thought I was odd.


    Wilco was hot tonight. It was such a packed set. Of course every show (for the most part) you go to, you say "oh, that was the best", but I honestly think this is the best I've seen. Everything was firing at the right times. Hope a torrent is up soon of the show :)


    We got some good pics as well...we'll upload them on Sun or Monday since we're making this a mini vacation.


    Oh, and if Gail and Husband are reading this, we had great time meeting you guys and talking to you two! We were the ones in line with you and next to you all in the front. Hope Red Banks is as good!

  8. They're horribly miscast opening for Wilco.


    Agreed. I'm a fan of the band, and quite frankly when I heard the pairing I was equal parts giddy and quetioning the choice. Their last two albums have been a drastic departure of their earlier albums. Those (earlier) albums certainly run in the crowd of atmospheric music. Alan Sparhawk (the guitarist) is very accomplished as a musician, and I would no doubt think that both Nels and Jeff respect his playing abilities.

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