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corduroy cutoff girl

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Everything posted by corduroy cutoff girl

  1. yesyesyes. and how utterly unique each song is.... sigh. a girl can dream, can't she????
  2. well.....if those aren't the lyrics, they sure fit well with what i hear jeff singing... i actually thought "i could only vibe hunt and heist" contained some kind of reference to 'open heights' and i thought it was "could only touch the outside of every boy she climbed on AND she climbed off..." i hear "candy clean" where you hear "chemically" if only they would play this at the greek in berkeley this august..................... oh..btw..what do you think 'kisses crack blue' means????? big ups to you for replying.........
  3. who out there might have figured out the lyrics to "corduroy cutoff girl"? go on and listen to it here: http://www.petknives.com/cordurouy_cutoff_girl.mp3 i just can't parse them all and can't find the lyrics anywhere online... ciao
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