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Posts posted by themiddleeast

  1. Maybe Ron Sexsmith, Kathleen Edwards, or some of the Broken Social Scene will be there. All I know for sure is that I'm going to be there :).



    Ron Sexsmith sat behind me at the show there a few years ago, and a friend said Bazil Donovan (blue rodeo) was at that show as well.

  2. Yeah it went on-sale a little early... I usually do a refresh repeatedly for the minutes leading up to the sale and use the US atomic clock for a guide. I got row H centre at like 9:57...


    You could always join the friends of Massey Hall for their presale tomorrow? Its only like a hundred bucks...

  3. The quality of the recording sounds pretty good. I have only listened to a few tracks so far, but it's almost as good as being there (pardon the pun.)

    If you want to convert from flac try using "db power amp music converter" i think I got my copy from Download.com it works well & it's free.

  4. Yeah I hope someone taped it. I got a copy of last years and it sounds great. There was a guy on the 1st balcony right side filming for the first half of the show until security made him turn it off. Other celebrity sightings: Avi Lewis (naomi klein's hubby & tv personality.)

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