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Posts posted by tmckumed

  1. I just don't like KC. It think it's stupidly laid out and has little to no personality. I've been there for probably six shows (including another Wilco show) and have never had a good time in the city (though the Wilco show was my first, so it was great).


    I think the main reason I didn't have as much of a killer time at this show was just the fact that the set was almost exactly (with a few great exceptions) the same as the set they played in Columbia, MO on September 19. I was floored by that set (and the venue and the crowd and the band's high spirits) and had been listening to the recording for weeks-- I was just expecting a little more variety.


    The band played amazingly and I never said I didn't have a great time. I only said that the show was my least favorite Wilco show I've attended. That's like saying it's my least favorite briefcase full of unmarked, non-consecutive, hundred dollar bills.


    Kansas City just rubs me the wrong way.



    Oooh, grumpy! How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm once they've seen Columbia, MO?!

  2. Agreed - the show was fantastic! Also agreed - I wish the MC guy had stayed home!! That guy was annoying from the jump. A minor distraction, however. My wife and I saw Wilco almost exactly one year ago in Wichita at a little venue called The Cottillion, which holds maybe a thousand people (this was the show right before the now-infamous Springfield, MO show, incidentally). The venue wasn't even close to full - there were maybe 200-300 folks there and we thought it was a good show, but this one was a thousand times better. Last year was the first time we had seen Wilco live and last night's show had such fantastic energy, a great set list (minus a couple of our favorites, but that's always how it goes). Andrew Bird was good, too, but Wilco was on fire! What a show! The venue is nice, but a bit weird - I kept stepping on sticks/mulch and the guys at the gate taped the ID band thingy on my wrist so tight it cut off the circulation to my hand! Twice! The kid at the gate was nice enough to fix it for me, so no complaints, though. I'm so glad we were there!

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