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Pat Radio

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Everything posted by Pat Radio

  1. Thomas Heath, who within the past year or so transplanted his Tract Records label from Richmond, Indiana to Columbus, joins me on this podcast. He plays music from recent Tract releases, including Columbus musician Sarah Asher and discusses the history of his label. There's also music from the Black Swans and Bird and Flower, as well as plenty of tunes from touring bands who are stopping in Columbus in the coming weeks. Stream the show here and read the playlist here. My feed url is http://patradio.org/mixtape.xml.
  2. Just thought I'd drop in and hype my internet radio station, patradio.org. I stream rock, pop and electronic music all day and all night and try my best to put a weekly podcast up on my site for the downloading. The podcasts include local music from Columbus, Ohio and environs. Brief descriptions of three of the shows currently up on the site: Program #87: Rob from the band 333 talks about his band, plays 3 songs from their upcoming release Queens Wife and hypes their gig with Jucifer this Saturday night, Sept. 15. Plus other good local music and national and international stuff you may
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