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Posts posted by Weirdness

  1. Thanks for your patience here folks. Unfortunately, I had a bad chip in my mic pre/ad that was recently modified which means that one channel of the recording sounded real crunchy. I was trying to mix and match everything together to make it as good as it could be before putting it out. After listening to this countless times, the only solution was to use the one good channel on both sides. Generally speaking, I never really have to alter or touch up the recordings that I do but that's the way it goes I guess. Anyhow, you will find that it is quite listenable. There are also a few seconds of digital noise about a minute into the hummingbird, presumably due to moving my bag to and fro to let people by. Promise I'll get it perfect next time...


    Wilco Detroit Download

  2. Everybody hold tight for the front of balcony recording from the Fox. There was something that didn't seem right, turns out that one channel on a newly modified piece of gear is not working as it should be. I'm in the process of trying to make the most out of what I have, it will be quite listnenable regardless but not as easy to deal with as I had hoped. Give me a day or so to figure it all out, I want to put the best version up that I can. Thanks for your patience...

  3. Howdy all!

    Just wanted to confirm for everyone that I have a pretty solid recording to share from dead center front of the mezzanine. Still have to have a listen to make sure that there aren't any touch ups that are needed but regardless it should be very listenable. http://bt.etree.org is usually where I put my recordings up(bit torrent). Hopefully it'll be up by the end of the weekend. Inspired and inspiring show in my fave indoor venue. These guys have really stepped up their live performance as of late, can't think of many bands that I'd rather go and see. Looking forward to doing it all over again sometime soon...

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