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Posts posted by mrs_leroy_brown

  1. Hello there.


    Was I ever gutted to not be able to get tickets for these shows - I'd planned to fly over from London, spend time over there for the gigs, then visit the family in Wisconsin but alas it was not to be.


    I am positive this is going to be one of the most amazing experiences ever! I also super selfishly hope they stream it or someone manages to record it in some way. I'd be happy to stay up till silly o'clock GMT and go to work sleepy and happy if it mean I could take part in some tiny way.


    Anyway, fingers crossed I'll get to see them again soon. In the meantime listening to lots of their tunes and also the gorgeous Autumn Defense who are just mindblowingly beautiful.



  2. OH WAIT. It's TODAY they are on genearl sale and that' when I'm going to be at the stupid theatre.


    Oh Wilco, why did you have to cancel your UK tour? ARGH.


    Oh well.


    a tiny part of me wants to fly to Chicago anyway and see if I can beg borrow or steal tickets...


    off to the pub to get HIDEOUSLY DRUNK.

  3. Now that I've totally psyched myself into it, if I don't manage to get a 5 day pass in a few hours time I'm going to be SO GUTTED. Cause I suppose it will be even more of a palaver trying to get individual tickets before *they* sell out. ARGH.


    All day at work I've been jittery and nervous. Meep. It's now 2:30pm, just an hour and a half to go til its 10am CST...

  4. I was going to post someting similar. I'm (hopefully) coming from London. So nervous about being able to get tickets! But yeah, I can offer my service as a pretty fine vegetarian / vegan cook and will happily contribute in whatever way I can.

  5. I'm not sure what part of Wisconsin you are in, but most likely you are just a drive away. I drive to Wisco all the time, where are you at?


    It's not downtown so you should be able to find decent prices.


    I'm in London now :) But I'm really talking myself into it because the pound is so strong at the moment, the tickets are so cheap! For gettnig to hear them do ALL THEIR SONGS! :)

  6. Hello all - just joined, first post!


    I'm from Wisconsin orginally but moved to England in 1996. At the time, all my favourite bands were English so I was pretty stoked to be able to see them live.


    Now it happens that my favourite band are based in Chicago, of all places! Anyway, I got sad reading about the residency as the UK tour was cancelled and I medically require Wilco gigs!


    This may be the craziest idea ever, but I might just get the 5 ticket deal and fly out. I have no idea where I'd stay but at least there's plenty of time to try to find a place!


    Anyway! For you Chicago people - is it possible to stay there on the cheap (ish)?

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