I'm trying to line up a ticket for either one of the DC shows. Dude on Craigs list is offering face value -- says his 2 tickets are mine if I want 'em since I replied first to his post. In his initial e-mail to me, he says Tickets.com hasn't mailed out the tickets yet -- he doesn't expect them until a week before the show. For all of the previous 9:30 Wilco shows I've been to -- Tickets.com sent the tickets within a few days of purchase. For those of you who were lucky enough to purchase DC tickets via tickets.com for the upcoming shows -- is it true that you haven't received tickets
Help! I've seen every Wilco show at the 9:30 club for the last 5+ years. I'd be seriously bummed to be out in the cold for this one! I'll appreciate the help a great deal! Thank you! Bump
During the public sale, Tickets.com kept telling me that the site couldn't accept my request due to high volume. Tried for 20 minutes, then it was sold out. Bummer. All I need is 1. Thanks a million for the help! dcbeattys@verizon.net