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from tree to tree

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About from tree to tree

  • Rank
    A Cherry Ghost

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  • Location
    right here...
  1. my hit/intuition is that he would be pretty easy to approach if done tastfully and considerately...of course, i could be colored by my dreams of him i was going to try and catch him in DC...before the 9:30 club shows...but ergh...maybe not?
  2. thats funny, i was having an intimate encounter with jeffy in my dream last nite too!! (glad im not the only one!!). all i can remember is that it was new years eve, and we were at a huge party together, and we had that eye contact that feels like finding home and we talked and laughed and hugged, and then he was being whisked away and he told me that i should put a resume together for his management, "anything" he said ....
  3. so ok, im new here...and i am just throwing this one out for all you old fishes.... any shot of me getting to have dinner with tweedy? i'd love to have a little nosh and interview him for a local mag i write for.... any suggestions on how to accomplish this? or am i nuts? i know he's a busy guy....but jeez, i can at least try, right? im hesitant to go thru the usual avenues ie management, bc i just think it would be quicker to try and catch him before a show somewhere, and ask the guy himself....a real old school approach... thanks for entertaining my dream here...
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