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Posts posted by MMcDonald

  1. I wasnt there last night but you had to love Pat's Pete Townsend impersonation Friday night (think it was durring outtamind outtasite)


    Anyway the one thing i really don't like about wilco shows is that they basically play the same show every night. I'm hoping the residency breaks this mold and leads to some variety.

    Can't wait until Tues :)

  2. What store is it in the SBS video?

    Im just curious where this thing is located


    Why? just out of curiosity now that I've seen this post, but definately not curious enough to do any cyber sluething.

    Is it in Wicker Park/bucktown? maybe i'm living right by it and don't know.


    I saw Jeff eating breakfast with his family a few years ago. I made eye contact, gave a little head nod of acknowledgement, got one in return and that was it. I dont think I would have anythign to say to him.

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