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Posts posted by zark

  1. Spacecakes. I've never heard that one before. I once played a show at a seedy bar and along with our meager pay the owner gave us a bunch of oversized Spacecakes. Needless to say a good time was had by all. I blame the Spacecakes.

  2. I think JT has to be shitting his pants...First he stumbles upon GK, who has been the biggest influence on his writing (remember, JT was a bass player and realizes the importance of a quality drummer) and then Nels enter the mix to play the solos Jeff wishes he could play...Tweedy is not a soloist. He can do it for sure but it is not his forte. NC + JT=JB with out all the BS. OK?

  3. Hells bells, I love Nels...I was at a show a few years back here in Charleston and we were 3rd row, smack dab in front of Nels and my friend kept saying "the tall dude is freaking me out." Nels seemed to be possessed by the music. Later during the "Kingpin" encore Tweedy called out my friend for not participating in the call and response.

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