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Posts posted by licorice-n-turpentine

  1. Long time listener, first time caller.


    I have seen Wilco 6 times previous to last evening.


    Suffice it to say, last night was, without question (and it's really not even close) the best show I've ever seen Wilco play. The quality of the show inspired me to register and post this.


    It wasn't just the set list. The sound was ridiculously good. The crowd was great. The band has never been tighter.


    Perhaps most important, for a band that can sometimes be a bit laid back in terms of pace (which I like), they blistered through 19 songs in the first 90 minutes, often with no stopping in between. For all the songs they played, the whole thing only took about 2hrs and 10 mins.


    Definitely a lot of authorized videotaping going on, and there was a taper at the back. Someone needs to track that recording down.

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