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Posts posted by twuepoet

  1. Selling a drumstick probably isn't going to make a very big dent in college debt. It might buy you some food for a week.


    I'll give you that. Are you saying keep it? I'm still not really sure what it's worth. Somebody said it's not worth much and a couple said it's worth over a grand. Maybe I'll frame it down at school. It really is pretty cool. Like I said, don't want to step on any toes here - just wondering.

  2. My fellow Wilco fans:


    I did not mean for this thread to produce such hatred and animosity. I apologize for this (that first post, I mean) being my first post. I figured that it would probably produce some ill-feelings.


    I am not plugging (although you may believe that if you like). At least, I don't think I am because I haven't decided to sell it yet. I'm a "poor college kid," and my emotional attachment to various musical paraphernalia is and will be secondary to my total college debt. This may be hard to understand for die-hard fans, but hey, it's about the music anyway, right fellas? (haha... ha...)


    I only became interested in the sale of this AMAZING WILCO ITEM (yes, I believe it to be amazing - maybe amazing enough to NOT sell it) because it's the summer months, and I've been a bit bored lately. Yes, if you'll notice, I did not post this a mere day after the MARCH 8th SHOW. I'm JUST WONDERING.


    I hope that this thread in no way detracts from my perceived appreciation of the genius that is WILCO. [Although I don't really care if it does...]


    Anyway, FLAME ON if you'd like.


    Oh, and here's some pics:






    As far as I know, he used it the whole show. I really don't know though. It could be the backup - the tip is a bit shattered (not sure if you can tell by the pic) so I assume it was the one he used for the show.


    Also, here's my story. After the show was over, I was so jaded that I just wanted to hang around while they cleaned up. My friend and I just kind of watched the crew do their thing, and one of them came out with the drumstick. I started jumping up and down yelling, more so than anyone around me (lame, right?). I didn't even know what he had, really (IT ALL HAPPENED SO FAST). Naturally, the "crew member" threw me the drumstick and I grabbed it with both hands and proceeded to feel warm and tingly inside.

  3. I went to the March 8th show in Tulsa, OK and one of the stage hands threw me a drumstick signed by Glenn Kotche with the date scrawled next to his name. I'm not sure if I want to try to sell it, but is it worth anything on Ebay or something? It's a pretty cool item.

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