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Posts posted by buffy3kins

  1. http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/03/12/japan.nuclear/index.html


    The link is to a CNN story about the Japanese nuclear plants having problems from the quake and tsunami. Being from Kansas I'm familiar with power outages and damage from big thunderstorms and tornadoes. Some how damage from a tornado just doesn't come close to what's being shown on TV in Japan right now. People are tough and will survive this and, hard as it is to think about right now, They'll be stronger for having survived the worst mother nature can throw at them.

  2. Guess I'm just another human that can't help but watch this whole thing with a morbid curiosity. My heart goes out to all affected by the earthquake and tsunami. After having lived in tornado alley all my life, I know people are basically strong and quite able to survive anything and keep on going in spite of what Mother Nature can throw at us. Won't hurt to put in a good word with the big guy upstairs for some help to get everyone through the next few days and weeks in Japan.

  3. As a woman trying to live a normal sane life, I admit I often wonder how many men are serial rapists in crowds when I'm going about my normal day doing such things as grocery shopping. Try living with the fact that some big bruiser of a nutjob might try to at least mug me while I'm with a group at a bus stop. I'm an average size woman and a bit past middle age. I'd have a hard time defending myself against a large man. Then having some of these perverts getting littlemore than a slap on the hand is truly disgusting. Please don't call me crazy for thinking my life is as good and worth as much as anyone else's life. If some nutcase should try to attack me in any way shape, or form, he needs to do some time in jail and have it really rough while he's in there.

  4. Since I'm from Kansas I haven't seen all the things Teddy did. I can't help but wonder why so many people kept voting for him while he got by with murder for 42 years. People have resigned from and been kicked out of public office for lesser things. I also have to wonder how the Kennedy family history and money managed to help keep him in office for so long.

  5. The only idea I've seen that has a chance of working is having some private coops like the farm and electric coops in rural area. I'm from a small town in SE Kansas and own some farmland. The farm and electric coops reaaly work because they're user owned. We wouldn't have much food on our tables without them. Such an idea in health care would probably work because the owners would want to keep everyone else on the up and up to keep from going bankrupt and even have plenty of money in savings with it when people have sudden catastrophic illnesses or injuries.

  6. I'm sorry for your loss. Your nephew gave his life to help preserve our freedoms and to help make the world a better and safer place. Just so we never forget the sacrifices other people have made to ensure our freedoms and rights are still ours and to protect us from harm. The link is to a map locating home towns of the fallen from Iraq and Afghanistan. They've given the ultimate sacrifice so we can sit in our own homes and discuss anything on such sites as Via Chicago. Other people don't have the same rights and opportunities.




    The Quilts of Valor foundation is a good way to help the wounded, the fallen, and their loved ones in at least a small way.


  7. Think of it this way. Many people don't want a picture of themselves anywhere for their own safety so they pick a picture of who they'd like to be or a cartoon character that's completely different than they reallyare so no one will recognize them. I sure don't want my own picture out there and wind up having some serial killer come after me because he knows what I look like now. :mellow

  8. If it can be made affordable this is a fantastic idea. The Amtrak runs through here, but its as expensive as a plane.

    Amtrak doesn't go thru' Wichita where I live. It does go about 30 miles north of me. Getting there is a problem. Improving and maintaining our rail system better should be a top priority. Many cities such as Wichita need to improve their bus systems, too, with routes that make sense so people would use it more often. All of our mass transit systems need improvements. Obama has the right idea with it.

  9. Its about damn time.


    If anybody doubts the existence of Seasonal Affective Disorder, the "Gray Season" (Oct-Apr) here in Ohio will put you to the test. :stunned C'mon sunshine, I need you now...


    In Kansas during the usual January we call it Cabin Fever. It's the same thing. We're finally having early spring flowers and some trees blooming and even starting to leaf out now.

  10. I've been using the knifty knitter looms lately. They have patterns on websites for felted bags but I havn'e made one, yet. I've been making lots of hats and scarves and a few socks with them. I'm about to start an afghan in shades of brown on the looms. The Norwegains used to make fisherman's knit sweaters with such looms but I don't have sweater patterns for them. Does anyone know where I could find sweater patterns for round looms?

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