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Posts posted by Mick18

  1. My second Wilco show (my first being the Tanglewood show) and this was just as amazing as the first. My girlfriend and I hit up the BBQ they had beforehand. The food was absolutely delicious and a great way to get the night started. Plus, all booze was $5 down there. $7 for luke warm piss water (Coors Light) was not my idea of good beer.


    Anywho, we got on the rail, a little left of Nels, and camped out there through Conor Oberst. My thoughts on him? Pure shit. The band has some talent, the music itself sounds good. Conor's voice and lyrics are absolutely horrible. I was just wanting to kill myself. The band looked bored to tears.I thought his bass player was going to puke and Conor and his emo looking guitarist (dude near the piano player) looked fucked up on a lot more than booze and weed. We were betting some H or blow.


    Finally Wilco came out and absolutely killed it. My girlfriend was thrilled to get Handshake Drugs and I went nuts for Impossible Germany. I was hoping the request song was going to be mine for Say You Miss Me, but alas it wasn't. The highlight was definitely I'm The Man Who Loves You. So much energy with the rain pouring down. It was definitely an unforgettable experience.


    Hopefully I'll be in Wappingers Falls next weekend.




  2. I would consider myself a young(ish) professional, though more of the (somewhat) reformed hippie with kids to feed type than of the suit-wearing ilk, and having been to the recent Knoxville show, I would have to say that the chatters were more hipsters that otherwise. Maybe I don't know what a young preffesional is. Does that just mean that you are employed? If anything, I think my impressions of a yuppie and a hipster now-a-days are very similar. Conspicuous Blackberry, striped shirt, hair prodicts, etc...


    May I also take this opportunity to start a sit vs. stand debate? I couldn't agree more with the idea of paying attention to the band during a concert and being respectful to thase who have spent their hard earned money to HEAR the music. That being said, couldn't we all concentrate better on the performance by actually SEEING the band without constantly jockeying to and fro to catch the occasional glimpse around the fist-pumping loudmouth in front of us? Inded, might a seated, eyes forward audience be more conducive to artistry and it's appreciation than douchery and it's ruination.


    I'm just sayin'.



    Who sits at a show???

  3. It was such a fun show. I always seem to get the best shows in Northampton. Black Crowes in October and now Jeff. My girlfriend and I really appreciate the wonderful people who sold us their extras. We got separated (her in the balcony and me in the second row), but we both had a blast. He's one of the best all around performers I've ever had the pleasure of seeing.


    I kept yelling for him to play Say You Miss Me, but alas, he didn't. Maybe some other time.

  4. The comment about New Zealand was the people dancing. Then some random person in the audience yelled "Fuck New Zealand!" Jeff goes "Fuck New Zealand? I'm about to say something bad. I'm bringing the hate." The "I'm Naked" was from the living room shows they auctioned off for charity.

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