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Posts posted by jtosmon

  1. I just ordered these on the pre-sale. I called the venue and was able to get better tickets. So I have four tickets available in the Loge, Row G, seats 219 through 222. I am willing to sell them for exactly the price I paid, $33 per ticket, $18 service charge. I'll ship them to you or whatever, if you'd like, but we could also meet up before the show (i.e. I will drive somewhere to meet you) or at the venue. It's up to you. I really need to get rid of these, so don't be afraid to send out an offer!


    Let me know if you want one or all. Don't be afraid just to throw out an offer, too.


    Gmail: jtosmon@gmail.com

  2. I pre-saled and got stuck in the Loge. (The area behind orchestra)


    I called the venue to see where the seats were, because I didn't know what the hell a Loge was.


    Then they told me they had seats in Row EE. That's the fifth row.


    Then I bought them.


    If anyone wants four seats in the Loge, let me know. =P

  3. I always seem to end up putting the guitar into Drop D and playing the fingerpicking version of Sunken Treasure or this one particular song I wrote. I think it's because lately I've been searching for / in love with deep, powerful sounding acoustics. My bandmate just picked up a Rosewood J-45, and those two songs were the first two that I played on it.

  4. I was downright astounded. I don't really need to say much more about the show, since most of you were there.


    And I met the band afterwards. :)


    The only person that we managed to miss was Jeff... we were told that he snuck out the back for some reason. Folks were saying it was kind of out of character for him to do that. Maybe we'll see him in Cinci...

  5. There's clicking in the recording because there was clicking in the webcast. It's just from latency issues and whatnot... there's a lot of information trying to stream from really far away and whatnot. Regardless, it hasn't been uploaded anywhere else to my knowledge, so the only way to experience it would be from memory... so it's better than nothing, right? I'm lazy and didn't split up the tracks or anything. I left in all the banter and whatnot - it's completely unedited. You can chop it up yourselves in Audacity if you want.


    It's mp3, because I wasn't really sure what else to use...


    It's uploading right now. I'll come back and edit this post with a link in about 40 minutes. :)



    EDIT: Here you go... Wilco Webcast from Pabst 4/15/09

  6. That part better not get cut off before it goes back up in the Roadcase.


    I was recording the webcast... so I definitely have that clip at the end. It was weird because if you were wearing headphones, you could hear them unplug the left channel, followed by the infamous comment, and then the right channel goes dead.


    Definitely not the last sound I expected from the webcast. Haha.

  7. I did manage to record the show in it's entirety... including all the skipping and whatnot. Other than that bit though, it sounds great. I'm not much of an audio techie, but if ya'll want me to upload what I have, I can...

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