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Posts posted by magcat

  1. What a deliciously muscular sprint to the finish today.


    Also: I have no idea what LA is listening to now.



    This morning Lance was listening to Iron Maiden. Cadel Evans? "ABBA, on the radio." It showed.


    Another rider (forget who) twitted that he was listening to Wilco while previewing the TTT stage before lunch.


    Poor team Bbox!

  2. I was the number one ranked rider I'm my category last year, and there are enough people here who know me (for real) that I don't really need to blow smoke up my own ass. Still being the fastest old guy on a given day is different than being a 20 year old cat 1 trying to make it to the next level.



    So to paraphrase: everybody who's faster than you is doped up on EPO, and you're completely above suspicion. Got it.

  3. Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to win a national title but I need pancakes first.


    I imagine the only thing you're going to win a national title for is blowing smoke up your own ass. But if you *did* win a national title, by your own logic that is proof that you must be doping, since by your own statements anyone who succeeds at athletics at any significant level is obviously using PED's.

  4. In 2008 every tour cyclist was on Cera. And in 2009 every cyclist is using something there isn't a test for yet. Plus Lance did Mashley Olsen which is just freaking creepy.


    And actually Lance did test positive for EPO, but it was after the fact, and the results weren't designed to catch him but just develop the test for EPO. But if anyone thinks that Lance beat a handful of

    the best tour cyclists ever, all of whom subsequently were revealed to be doping at the time, merely on his legendary heart size and body's ability to process lactic acid, I'd say in a word you're delusional.


    The Chuck Norris page should replace Chuck with Lance.


    Completely absurd. Your wild claims about the 2008 Tour riders are completely unsupported by any evidence whatsoever, except the desperate fingerpointing accusations of the utterly unreliable Bernard Kohl, trying to minimize his admitted drugging by claiming that "everybody does it." You're the delusional one, living in a fantasyland where by watching tv carefully you're able to successfully obtain positive drug tests for 200-some cyclists. Your opinions of Armstrong's success are more of the same -- speculation by the ignorant. The fact that you'd bring up his personal life as evidence that he cheated his way to 7 Tour de France victories just shows your claims are rooted in your vindictive dislike of the man rather than any science.

  5. 1. Summerteeth

    2. Sky Blue Sky

    3. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

    4. Wilco (the album)

    5. A Ghost is Born

    6. Being There

    7. A.M.


    Too early to say where WTA will end up... it could go up but I doubt if it will go down. A Ghost is Born used to be my least favorite but hearing great versions of numerous songs from it live I came to realize it's the production of the record I dislike, not the songs. (To me it sounds like "Wilco in an Anechoic Chamber" (ironically enough, given the lyrics to "Hummingbird"). Summerteeth will always be their masterpiece to me...

  6. A few of us here listened to the concert over the internet from Wilcoworld. The connection was choppy but the band sounded great. Unfortunately the webcast went completely dead in the middle of "Spiders" and never came back on. Also, we were simultaneously checking out some live photos of the concert being posted to Twitter. All in all, a thoroughly postmodern listening experience. (There's a thread here in the "Just a Fan" forum devoted to the event if you're interested in reading 15 pages of internet users clapping along on their computers.)

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