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Like a Hummingbird

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Posts posted by Like a Hummingbird

  1. Maybe it's a generation thing but the first Sonic Youth album that I got into was Murray Street. Still my favorite.



    I do not find Daydream Nation my favorite.


    The Diamond Sea is probably one my favorite all time songs of theirs because I have been lucky to see them do that song twice. It's off Washing Machine.

    Any album that has at least 2 cuts with Kim Gordon tend to be some enjoyable to me.



    Washing Machine

    Sonic Nurse

    A Thousand Leaves.


    I also find Dirty a fun album. It is probably their most accessible, and when they had reached some degree of fame on MTV's 120 minutes.


    I know they had remastered Goo. I am not sure if all their albums had been remastered.


    Someone mentioned Ciccone Youth...another connection a la Sonic Youth is to M.Gira/Jarboe...SWANS. SWANS music is timeless.

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