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Everything posted by tweedykinski

  1. I am neither Max Johnston or a member of either project so I don't know if you want to rate it as spam or not! Just a music fan trying to spread the word on a friends band. But hey I'm a longtime Wilco fan and have seen them on every tour I possibly could so don't be too hard on me!
  2. I am a a Wilco fan living in Austin. I recently became a fan, and now a friend, to the band No Show Ponies. They just had their debut record produced by Kevin Russell of the Gourds. For those of you that don't know The Gourds are now also the home to Max Johnston who also used to be in Wilco. Anyway, No Show Ponies has alot in common with early wilco and I really believe fans of Wilco should take the time to check them out. You can listen to clips of their material and purchase their new album at www.noshowponies.com. I highly recommend their music!!! Please check them out.
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