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Posts posted by bruce_berry

  1. What a time for a first post! I'd like to thank the guy who posted the "Blackbird" lyrics--I think they're very fitting for JB and this somber occasion.


    The minute impression I have of JB--IATTBYH and some his Wilco work--is that of an extremely talented artist with music oozing out of his pores and his soul. Sometimes this kind of creative genius has a way of manifesting itself in unorthodox, perhaps unintended ways, to the point where it skews people's perceptions of who that individual really is. It also seemed apparent that JB was wrestling with some really heavy shit, and I'm sure that also had a profound influence on the art he created, his personality, and ultimately the way he was perceived by others.


    It's heartening to read about some of the encounters you have all had with the man, if not very meaningful personal relationships--he appears to have been an extremely thoughtful and generous soul. I'm hopeful that with his passing, people will bury the hatchet they *might* have had and remember that a great artist who fought valiantly against his demons finally has peace.

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