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Part Hound Dog

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Posts posted by Part Hound Dog

  1. I like it because even if you think you don't like a band- a song plays and you realize that you acually do!


    Reminds me.. One of these days I'll probably hear my first Phish song and my world will cave in on itself when I discover hey, Mikey likes it! Until then, I'll just continue to roll my eyes and think "You silly dirty hippie," every time I see or hear mention of them.

  2. ...going into Pavement going into David Cassidy...


    Good call on Pavement, Mike. I've got Pavement cassettes so I never get around to listening to them any more. Pandora is perfect for bands like that. I'll add them to my whacked-out Devandra Barnhart/Polyphonic Spree station. :stunned

  3. Being the music geeks that it appears that many/most of ya'll are, you may already be aware of and tuned in to this but I thought I'd pass on this tip to anyone who hasn't yet discovered it... There's a really cool website called "Pandora Internet Radio" (www.pandora.com) that allows you to create something like a quasi-customized jukebox.


    I could prattle on about all of its features (skip a Ryan Adams song ya don't care for, add some Radiohead, give thumbs-up to "Look at Miss Ohio," etc.) but it's pretty easy to use and it's fairly intuitive so I'll spare you the details here (unless someone has any specific questions... I haven't really used it for much more than just listening to Wilco and similar singing/songwriting artists so I may not have many specific answers).


    I starting using it in April by creating a "Wilco station." It spun "I Must Be High" for me and I don't know why but when that geetar crashed through my tiny lil' iBook speakers I was hooked. Pardon my site pimpin' but I don't work for them and as far as I can tell they're a not-for-profit thingy so I here's hoping that VC's protocol police don't punch me in the neck. Mostly, I'm just a geeked up newbie trying to contribute something that hasn't already been covered. (Please advise if I'm already a miserable failure.)


    Anyway, check it out. And let me know what Wilco they play for you!

  4. I just read a post that referenced a Wilco show in Camden, Maine back in 2000 which surprised me as it is a teeny town and a tiny venue, (and near my hometown) so I Googled it (of course) and found a concert review posted last year that really captures the chemistry of the band with the Bennett/Croomer/Bach line-up and also the on- and off-stage persona of pre-rehab Jeff Tweedy.

    The writing is excellent; Brian Robbins, if you're on here, well done.

    You can find it here http://www.jambands.com/Features/content_2008_07_22.02.phtml. Enjoy.


    Uh... that link doesn't work for me. Anybody else hit a dead end or do I just need to take my laptop out of the bathtub?

  5. It's weird. That's one song on the album I still haven't quite gotten into yet, but I liked it better at the show than I have so far on my iPod.


    FWIW.. Friday night was the first that I heard anything off the new album and I remember thinking about 'Sunny Feelings': "This song is maybe kinda sorta okay but if this is one of the only three or four they're featuring of the new album then methinks the new album might need a shot in the arm."

  6. Is "Wilco (the Stream)" the new album or is it the concert film thingy? I can't find the album. Is it still streaming somewhere?


    I have more questions if anyone has the patience for an ill-informed newbie.


    BTW, I was at last night's show in Cincinnati. They did not play "Casion Queen." (There, now I've contributed something to this board.)

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