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Normal Illinois

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Posts posted by Normal Illinois

  1. Something I should have mentioned when I started this thread. His performance was excellent. And the multi-instrumentalist that plays with him is very impressive.


    Despite the fact that I was sitting towards the back of the bar surrounded by a slew of indifferent folks whose overall demeanor said, "I'm a regular here; I didn't pay the cover; so its okay for me to yell over the music because my story about the cracked head on my '68 Camaro can't wait until tomorrow night when I'm back here again," Justin Townes Earle delivered an intimate yet energetic performance that felt like he was personally connecting with the crowd, at least those of us who were paying attention.

  2. Problem Child – AC/DC

    Elo Kiddies – Cheap Trick

    Uncontrollable Urge – DEVO

    Fire – Jimi Hendrix

    Black Dog – Led Zep

    Heartbreaker – Led Zep

    Rusty Cage – Soundgarden

    Sweet Leaf – Black Sabbath

    Higher Ground – Red Hot Chili Peppers

    Man In The Box – Alice In Chains

    Nobody’s Fault – Aerosmith

    My Generation – The Who

    Train Kept a Rollin’ – Yardbirds

  3. "Crowhaven Farm" scared the crap out of me as a little kid. I remember having nightmares of Pilgrims piling bricks on top of me. Within the last year or two, someone posted parts of "Crowhaven Farm" on YouTube (It's gone now). As is the case with so many made-for-TV movies, it had not aged well.


    I think "Happiness" is creepy in the same way as Todd Solondz's "Welcome to the Dollhouse," as well as Larry Clark's "Bully" and "Kids." And I might even put "Pink Flamingos" in the "this seems icky and real" creepy category.


    "M," "Nosferatu," and "Freaks" may have been creepy in their time, but today, I just find 'em great. "The Haunting" however is more like "The Innocents," both are a little newer and both are still creepy today. If you haven't seen "The Innocents," rent it now.


    "Exorcist" is great. It starts creepy and turns scary as hell, but I guess all the best horror films do that, right? I think it is more scary than creepy.


    I find the violence in all of the following movies creepy, or maybe I just find it disturbing and unsettling: "Last House on the Left" (1972 version), "Straw Dogs," "Texas Chainsaw" (1974 version), "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer."


    Finally, here are two relatively new, creepy movies (two ghost stories and one vampire story) I enjoyed very much--"The Devils Backbone," "The Orphanage" and "Let The Right One In."

  4. It was nice to see Wilco getting expsoure on one of my favorite television programs. However, a little involvement from music critic Bill Flanagan, who I believe has praised Wilco on previous CBS Sunday Morning programs, would have added a some insight and actual music-focused content to this lightweight piece.

    Hey, I just read the previous post after posting mine...I guess I think very much like "good old neon."

  5. Jeff Tweedy's 20 best songs? Who knows, right? (I'm not even sure I know my 20 favorites.) However, here are 20 I really like, roughly arranged by when they were released. There are some notable songs not on my list, e.g. Gun, Cold Shoulder, We Been Had, Casino Queen, Misunderstood, Sunken Treasure, Via Chicago, Company in my back, Theologians, etc.



    Watch Me Fall

    Box Full of Letters


    Outtasite (Outta Mind)

    Red-Eyed and Blue


    Can't Stand It

    I am trying to break your heart

    Jesus, etc.

    Ashes of American Flags

    Pot kettle black

    Ruling Class

    Spiders (Kidsmoke)

    The Late Greats

    Long Time Ago

    You Are My Face

    Wilco (the song)

    Bull Black Nova

    Sonny Feeling

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