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Posts posted by mooney

  1. I also found it rude that people didn't pack up their blanket/chairs once the show started. We set up camp right before Neko started, but packed up when Wilco was about to go on. Lots of people did not.


    I was really surprised by the sheer number of kids, part of me thinks this was due to the fact that kids were basically free and that there were lots of activities for them. I saw a lot of frustrated parents at the festival on Saturday due to how crowded it was.


    Personally I would never bring a kid under the age of 6 to a concert like that. Lots of drug use, drunks, and uncomfortable heat just makes it a no way for me.


    Sunday was a much better day for kids due to the crowds,but I think there was less kids stuff to do.

    I think that perhaps there should be a little announcement pre-set "suggesting" that people to pack up their little set-ups, ie chairs and especially blankets, if they are situated, say, anywhere from the soundboard up to front of stage. Just for the sake of everyone involved...Yes, people that suddenly make a push for the front can be a little annoying, but hey, this is a general admission rock show. That's what happens. More annoying are the huge blankets that take up so much valuable space. Again - this isn't a bluegrass fest- this is a rock show...


    People talking too much? i can't even begin to discuss right now. One guy next to me was essentially yelling a story to his friend during "One Sunday Morning." yes, during ONE SUNDAY MORNING. I start to really get bummed out. I just leaned forward and sort of stared at him, until i think he was like "hey, why is this guy totally staring at me and into my conversation?...wait....ohhhhhhh..." WTF. I know if i open my mouth, i will literally get to aggro and might go over the top (with words, i mean), so i now employ this stare method. Sometimes it works.

  2. I would say if plain old alt-country is not your thing, then you might be more swayed by Fox Confessor Brings the Flood, or Middle Cyclone.  They're a good mix of alt country, chamber pop, rock and roll, lots of imagistic lyrics.  Amazing albums all around.


    thanks...and yes - I won't write her off completely, and i do recognize she's a talent for sure...i heard a little of Middle Cyclone actually a couple years ago, and it was good. 

  3. Never saw Neko Case before, and I may have liked her in a different setting, but found her to be totally boring on Joe's Field right before Wilco.  I don't think that was a good match.  Or maybe I just think her music is boring wherever, but I liked the high energy of The Relatives or something to get you going right before Wilco. 


    I haven't mentioned much about the museum, but the Xu Bing installations, Phoenix and the cigarette rug upstairs, were outstanding.  And the Loft was real fun, especially the big photo on the end wall that allowed for you to step up and get your picture taken on the keyboards as if you were actually in the Loft.

    THIS...i was trying to be as PC about it as possible, but i like your directness :)....i just find lots of alt country-ish or americana stuff sort of boring, so that's just me. 


    And yeah - the Xu Bing installation was incredible. 

  4. While I've chimed in sporadically among all of the SSF threads, I'll share just a few of my thoughts:

    • I much prefer waiting in line and having the mad dash to the front VS. setting up a chair
    • Friday night's set was enjoyable, but it didn't do for me what it seemed to have done for most. I'll take a "greatest hits" set VS that covers set more often than not. The novelty of watching Wilco do cover songs wore off about an hour in.
    • I think I finally like Neko Case. Good tunes & stage banter.
    • While I don't think Saturday's Wilco set ranks among one of my favorites, I thought the setlist was pretty killer. One Sunday Morning > Art of Almost! I loved that transition.
    • Sunday felt pretty lackluster to me. I'm not sure if the heat was getting to me or what, but I called it quits pretty early, which is unlike me.
    • Did anyone else think that it was more difficult than it needed to be to find water? The beer was plentiful, but I didn't see any signs for water.
    • Popup "Tag Sale" was great. I got 2 Wilco Mugs, a tshirt, and a keychain from SSF2 for $23

    All in all, I had a nice time. Here's to hoping for SSF4 next year.


    Sunday was super chill, but my wife and i really enjoyed it. Bloody Marys, no rush, less folks.....guess also because we used the time to really explore the museum and such, see The Loft, and just stroll around without any anticipation of "where to position for wilco set.." Plus, any day that has Autumn Defense is cool for me. Love that stuff especially for a sunday. Mind you, we left early too, essentially right after AD.


    Neko Case...cool lady, obviously talented. Just not my really my thing - kinda middle road for me. Guess i'd rather have more weird stuff (Foxygen!) or psych rock stuff (white denim!), which they obviously had, but just would love to see more of. More stuff like Here We Go Magic like last time...But yeah, Neko is good for the folks that like the rootsier Americana side of Wilco i guess. Again - she's cool, nothing against her, and she's got an A+ voice.. Plus it's tough for when you're just waiting to get to Wilco at that point (again, that's me speaking, many were probably wicked into her)...I know they've got to balance eveything, and they do actually do a great job of that.


    I love some (a lot) of Yo La Tengo's studio stuff, but i'd never seen them live. Maybe it's cause we just got there, or i was totally overheated, but i was out of there after like 2 tunes...couldn't hold me.

  5. Apparently the guy dragged out was the tambourine player but he is not an actual member of the band. The band was not 'kicked out' it seems and so Tweedy was merely joking.


    Foxygen tweeted this last night:


    "@johndamnseven this is wrong. you should take this off the net. there was no brawl. one member went to the drunk tank. Wilco & foxy are cool"

    ah, cool...pretty funny either way. 

  6. From twitter: Around 830pm saw slew of police outside fest talking to Foxygen lead singer, then someone else left in cop car @robertloerzel: @AndyHannon


    Anyone else able to confirm what happened: So #foxygen apparently got loaded & brawled saw the tambourine dude escorted out of #solidsound2013 totally wasted couldn't even walk


    I was next to the foxygen guy getting dragged out through the museum lobby by the frontman and security....he was wasted..ahh, rock and roll. So i tend to believe Tweedy.  I really enjoyed their set - i saw them a few months ago open for Unknown Mortal Orchestra in Boston, before i knew who they were, and was "whoa, these guys are a trip. Who the fuck are they?" 


    Definitely wakes you up on a sleepy, hot, humid, lazy saturday...


    i need to think more about my whole experience....missed friday night, so maybe i don't have the complete picture. Really good time though, as expected. The sat night Wilco set - not high on my favs out of the 15 or so times i've seen them. I was sort of finding myself needing to move around, and i even left what was a nice viewing spot in front of soundboard, to go to the back, which isn't like me!. Just couldn't get locked in. Started to feel like, "have i seen them enough now?"....but i know that's not the case.  Sometimes you just don't get moved, or your (or their?) energy isn't sort of quite all there. All the chairs annoy me, until i tell myself to "let it go..."

  7. i don't post much here, but need to stop by and give some love to (The Album). I wasn't overly excited at first by the record, but over the last couple of years i've come to realize (for me), that "One Wing", "Deeper Down," "Bull Black Nova," and "Solitaire" are 4 of the best/prettiest songs on any record. Not sure why it took me a bit to realize it (well, i did love "Nova" from the get go, as it punches you hard right out of the gate).


    But yeah, there is definitely love from me for (The Album).


    I am probably way off, but i kinda thought that "One Wing" had become sort of a set list staple?

  8. wow. i'm seeing Wilco at a brewery in Cooperstown. My first visit to the BHOF.


    i was planning a possible summer visit anyway. Now this happens. Life works good sometimes.


    Very tough choice - Newport or Cooperstown....love the bill at Newport, and gorgeous site....downside is expense of course.


    Gonna go with the low cost camp option. But yeah, can't really go wrong either way.


    Days past, id have gone to both - but....those are days past...:)

  9. Pat loves Dungen enough to wear their shirt!

    It's good to know someone in Wilco loves Dungen.


    that right there is key - Pat's Dungen shirt. somehow it makes me feel good when i see a member of a favorite band rock the t shirt of another of my favorite bands. It also let's me know the band is in good hands, especially with Pat more at the production helm. I love the rootsier, alt country side and all that, but if Pat is at all influenced by Dungens gloriously melodic jazz/rock psychedelic explorations, then you know Wilco shall continue to explore the universe. It reminds me of when Pat said he wanted the new record to be more of a headphone record.


    Re: the title track played here. Fantastic version! are they playing it more live these days? They didn't in Boston. It's quietly becoming my favorite song on the record.

  10. I also feel a bit spoiled for thinking "ugh, a Wilco show NOT longer than two hours?" but like a bunch of you fine folks think, it was a tight set and the new songs sound incredible. Also, think of it this way: the next time they come to New England, they probably won't play half of those songs from TWL. So just think of it as "An Evening with The Whole Love"--though a Wilco show without Jesus and Hummingbird seemed a bit foreign to me.


    Beautiful venue, horrible ushers (what's up with the Secret Service-esque suits telling you to stop taking non-flash pictures?), and absurdly overpriced everything. I submitted to an $11 Miller to drown my sorrows after finding out the posters were sold out, which was another first at a Wilco show.


    Regardless, that was my eleventh time seeing Wilco since 2005 and they make me more than happy each show. It's like seeing family.


    "Also, think of it this way: the next time they come to New England, they probably won't play half of those songs from TWL."


    wow...for some reason didn't really consider that, but yes, it's obvious - they'll not do as many of them next time, for sure. I wish I'd been thinking of that during the show, to truly appreciate. I really did dig them all last night, and they translate so well live.


    Sound overall was pretty stellar - dead center, Orch, row T (if i remember correctly). Had two (dudes!) talkers in front of us, which was driving me crazy...but - great show. tough when the last one they did in Boston was the 39 song-er....Feels like no matter what they did, it would still be held against that high standard of the March show (was that March?)


    Well, for some reason i get bummed the next day after a show. I must love this band a lot - i guess i miss 'em :)

  11. sorry to start a thread on something sort of lame and probably easily answerable, but I've not been 'round here that long....I've seen Wilco live about 7 (or 8?) times, and never seen a "Pieholden Suite" (what does one look like anyway?)...I gather it's not played a ton, right? is it fairly regular and i've just not seen it, or is it indeed essentially rare?


    thanks. I'm dyin' to see it :)

  12. I would go center over far left, even giving up 10 rows. Better sound and lights. Speaking of which, I don't see much talk about Wilco's lights (maybe there's a topic somewhere I haven't seen), and I don't even know who the lighting director is (i.e., Phish=Chris Kuroda and the Dead were Candace Brightman-one of the great names of all), but Wilco's stage sets and lighting are superb. The 2 different sets they used at Solid Sound were both fantastic, and among my friends we were definitely talking about what a great job their lighting person does. Ditto for the sound. Every time I've seen them.


    I think you're right....thx.


    Yes, the lighting/set design was amazing at Solid Sound. Especially night one, with the ghost-like figures hanging. Really trippy.

  13. In over 35 years of seeing live music that was a top 5 show for me. "An Evening With." Can't be beat, wish they were doing that again.


    wow! I agree (been seeing live music for like 25 years. It is easy top 10, if not 5. that was a great night. I will say, if that's a top 5, night 2 at Solid Sound is like only a couple slots below that. That was pretty magical for me.


    ok now...orch far left row M, or orch center row X....grrrr...what to do....

  14. Do you want to turn this into where VCers will be on this amazing September night in Boston?


    We have amongst us (3 friends who were all at the Orpheum show last April and many more shows before that) from today's presale:

    Mezz Row A Seat 113

    Mezz Row A Seat 101 (kind of nice how that worked out)

    Left Orchestra Row J Seat 17. (my seat :ninja No, I'm sure we'll fight it out on Tremont St.)


    wow, those mezz seats will be sweet...so that orchestra one you have is "left center," correct? (by the seat number, i would say yes)


    i think i'm gonna have to sell my "left" orch row M, given the "lefty-ness" of it and do the center orch row X. even if it's a pain to transfer tix. I think.

  15. Those are closer to the wall according to the seating chart that popped up in the ticket window. 41 touches the wall being the last seat.


    Edit: Likewise, trying to sell or trade off tix for this show is going to be a huge pain in the ass because everyone has Will Call.



    i know, i know...jeesh. a good thing overall though for sure.

  16. What I remember about The Wang :stunned : If you are "pinned" on either side you may not see the far right or far left of the stage. So you may not see Mikael Jorgensen or Pat Sansone do their thing on the keyboards. You may see their keyboards, but not them if that makes sense to you. It's a lot like the Orpheum.


    I had an aisle seat for Orchestra Row G and my Safari crash while I was putting in my credit card info. Safari so bad. I wound up splitting up my friends because 3 seats together was only pulling up balcony. We have amongst us from today's presale: Mezz Row A Seat 113.......Mezz Row A Seat 101 (kind of nice how that worked out). Left Orchestra Row J Seat 17.


    I also read where you can pick up your ticket anytime after tomorrow 12 noon, so that there isn't a shit show on show night. I had to reread that. showtime only pickup as obviously noted around here probably.


    hmmm. thanks. still undecided.

  17. anyone have good knowledge of the Wang in Boston? I grabbed 13th row (row M), but it's "left orchestra" - the farthest over against a wall (there is "center," "left center," "left," "right center," and "right"). I got two "left."


    My brother in law grabbed 4 for "center" - but row X, obviously back from M, but also obviously way more center - and me and my wife can sit with him/my sister, and I sell the row M pair to two friends.


    Does "left" or "right" really pin you against the walls? for anyone that knows the venue, would you pick the row M (left), or row x (center)?


    thanks.... of course i'm happy to sit anywhere and don't wanna sound douchey, but hey, if I have the choice, why not, right?!

  18. Boston was quick....nothing.


    someone up above said "if you're good at getting tickets, you should have no problem."


    maybe, after my 42 years on earth, i just still suck at this and don't know the secrete sauce.


    constant refreshing from 9:50 on, was right in, and nada!



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