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Dean M

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Posts posted by Dean M

  1. I am thinking about divorcing my wife. I was wondering if there are any peeps out there that have survived a divorce who have any words of advice.


    I know it is a heavy topic for this forum, but it is kind of related. Me and my wife are just moving in totally different directions. She doesn't like music at all. Especially not the kind of music that I am into. I want to be free to smoke weed and listen to music and go to concerts and shit like that. I have given all of that up because she is totally against it.

    After we were married she became a conservative born again christian.


    Any advice from people who have been through divorce is really welcomed.

  2. Yeah, that week or two has turned into a month or two..... lol


    Long story short; my band is preparing for our CD release party and our old guitarist decided to re-join the band for it... So that's all weve been doing lately is rehearing the whole album and getting our old guitarist used to playing again.


    But we are still planning on doing the Outtasite video. Just may take a few more weeks. Thanks for asking. :)


    Oh man good luck with all that. That is awesome.

  3. I really like this. You've got a good, strong voice, the guitars sound great, and overall I think it's an excellent cover. You might pick up the pace just a bit, but that's a very minor quibble--this is a slow song, after all. Really nice job.


    wow. thanks wilco me. I think you are right about the tempo. I think Wilco plays it much faster live.



  4. The bottom line is....... the dude's music has the ability to make people feel things on a really deep level about their own lives. Which often in turn effects the quality and sometimes the direction of peoples lives.

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