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Posts posted by nikki

  1. oh, i know this. it's just i'm afraid it's going to have a completely different atmosphere/feel to it than your average jeff show. there's also no details as to how long he'll be playing. if i'm paying 85-150 dollars to see a 30 minute set i'm really not going to be the happiest person alive. it may sound dickish, but i'm a broke college kid. ideally, i shouldn't be spending that amount on anything, but due to the amount of love i have for jeff/wilco i'll jump at any opportunity to see him and i'm foreign to how he is with this type of show.

  2. i am really sitting on the fence about this and i don't know what to do. i'm so torn. i really wanna see jeff (mostly out of paranoia that there won't be the annual fundraiser show this year in chicago. anyone know anything about that?) but i don't want a bunch of political mumbo jumbo shoved down my throat.

  3. hi guys! i'm new here, and went to this show last night. it was by far one of the most brilliant things i've ever witnessed, i had such a good time. my only complaint was the crazy woman who worked at the venue and complained to me about using my camera even though i had flash turned off and a bunch of people around me were using theirs with the flash on. i managed to get a 5 second video of the single ladies craziness and a 30 second video (but very shakey because i had to hide my camera by pressing it against my shirt and try and aim) of someone else's song. needless to say, as a big tweedy/wilco fan, i will be going next year.

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