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Posts posted by WishfulThinking13


    I post here because I like Wilco. It's not rocket science.


    I opened the thread out of curiosity and saw the OP was going to be War and Peace, so I stopped reading. I pick and choose my reading. I hope that's okay with you. :wave


    It's an opinion board. Look at it this way: I bumped this up so others could read it. Win!


    I still don't understand why you felt the need to comment. However, all of your comments that I've seen are negative to some degree.

  2. I just felt like the review read like an 8.0 at least (Even better than some records rated that high) The only somewhat critical comment was the back and forth nature of Jeff's narration, but this is something that he has always been praised for. I think Pitchfork gives high ratings to bands that are very up and coming and "hip" and/or they give bands reviews because they feel like it boosts the current trend in music. Wilco could make a perfect record and they would slap a mediocre number on there.


    Where did I say that? Nowhere. Reading comprehension is your friend.


    I like to pick and choose my reading material judiciously. The OP just happens to miss the cut.


    That is all.


    Then why are you writing in this thread...?


    If anybody has actually declared this their best album, they need to put the fucking Kool-Aid down RIGHT NOW. It's good, but I don't see how any longtime fan could consider it a return to form, let alone a feather in the band's cap. After one listen, I'd put it on par with SBS if I were feeling generous. Towards the bottom of the pile, but certainly better than the last record.


    This is your opinion, and I respectfully disagree.

  5. How about this: none of you are remotely funny. For one, Jules thinks he's the shit, but the fact remains that you guys spend way too much time on a fucking forum. Jules: you are not at all funn, and neither are the rest of you who try to mak jokes with stupid fucking emoticons.

  6. Wait... the final track is a 10-verse, 14 minute, alt-country jam?


    That sounds so wrong and potentially awful I'm intrigued.


    I think I'm actually more excited about the track now

  7. When I first heard the new single, I immediately loved it (and it has been getting better and better which is a good sign) However, I watched the Youtube videos and listened to the recorded mp3s of the 4 other new tracks played at Solid Sound. I loved Born Alone right away, but I posted negatively about the tracks "Dawned on Me" and "Standing O," saying that it sounded like more pop mediocrity. Admittedly, I strongly dislike half of Wilco the Album, and I see the album as the whole as forgettable. Not bad, but not great either.


    When I heard "Dawned on Me" and "Standing O," I thought that we were in for more creatively stagnant output from the band. However, I listened to the tracks more and more and I might be wrong. First of all, I admitted form the beginning that you can't judge a track before you hear it on the album, especially with sub par Youtube quality that only really brings out the vocals and basic instruments. When I was listening to Dawned on Me, I did think the chorus was very catchy, but it at the same time, I thought to myself "If I want to hear this, I can listen to some pop classic, not Wilco." However, then I noticed some pretty freaky guitar playing going on.. which immediately made the track cooler. I can only imagine how cool it might sound on the record. Also, Wilco's catalogue is full of songs that are simple, catchy pop tunes at the core, but gave interesting lyrics and cool instrumental compositions (Magazine Called Sunset, various tracks from Summerteeth, etc) My point is, Dawned on Me could turn out to be a boring pop song, but I was wrong to judge it so quickly, for I have a feeling that it will be an interesting tune. As for Standing O, I feel like this one will take some getting used to... It might just be the quality of the audio, but I'm not sure where the song is going, and I am not fond of the title.


    Then the tracklist was released, and I kind of broke it down going off of what I've heard and a lot of speculation... ha.


    Art of Almost - I have a good feeling about this one, from the descriptions of it, and the videos that were briefly posted of a song which many people believe to be this one. It also doesn't hurt that the album opens with a seven minute track.

    I Might - We have it, and for me it gets better with every listen. I think it will be even better in the context of the record.

    Sunloathe - Really cool song title, sounds almost too cool for a mid tempo ballad about love lost

    Dawned on Me - Growing on me, I see it as a solid track at the worst.

    Black Moon - Badass song title.. reminds me of a Radiohead song title

    Born Alone - Awesome track, we know we are getting a guitar wall of noise at the end

    Open Mind - I could see this as being one of the weaker tracks, which doesn't make it bad (Jeff's solo performance on that tv show was beautiful) - doesn't hurt to have a slow, folky track in there

    Capitol City - Another cool title, I see this as a crazier track after the palette cleanser of Open Mind (all speculation)

    Standing O - I have to wait to hear it on the record to form a real opinion of any kind - I think it could be a weaker track at the worst - but not bad

    Rising Red Lung - Probably the coolest song title IMO, reminds me of the lyrics to Wishful Thinking/AGIB era

    Whole Love - I really liked this song, Jeff's falsetto sounded cool and it seems pretty funky - a solid track at the very worst

    One Sunday Morning (Song for Jane Smiley's Boyfriend) - In my opinion, I don't see many ways that a 12 minute track with this kind of name could be bad .... hahaha


    All in all, I am very optimistic... the fact that the record is bookended by epic tracks is pretty awesome. I am really excited to hear it. I am not expecting a masterpiece, but I also know that it will be better than the last album. However, I do believe that its value will extend beyond just being better than W(TA) Sorry if this was too long, I wanted to share my thoughts.

  8. of course the MMJ forum is going to love it, they're mostly all fanboys... :lol


    it's a decent album, but it's their 4th or 5th best album at best for me, and i say this as a fan going back to '01


    Not necessarily... plenty of hardcore fans there criticize any direction the band takes, wanting them to sound like It still Moves and Z... just like the hardcore Wilco fans on this site.

  9. Finally listened to this. Unfortunately, it's pretty terrible. Overall, it has been a pretty abysmal year for music (with a few exceptions, of course).



    Well, this is YOUR opinion.

    "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one....and yours kinda stinks" - or at least the way you presented it.

  10. I love Circuital too. Why is it getting so much stick? Anyway, along with Circuital, my favs so far are:


    Decemberists: King is Dead;

    Bon Iver: Bon Iver (and Beth/Rest is great);


    and that's about it really. The Decemberists record is very strong.


    It's really just people on this forum giving it stick.. take a look at the MMj forum, very well received.

  11. My favorite 13 of the year so far:


    The Antlers - Burst Apart

    Bon Iver - Bon Iver

    EMA - Past Life Martyred Saints

    James Blake - James Blake

    The Kills - Blood Pressures

    Lykke Li - Wounded Rhymes

    Man Man - Life Fantastic

    Radiohead - The King of Limbs

    The Rural Alberta Advantage - Departing

    Starfucker - Reptilians

    TV on the Radio - Nine Types of Light

    Wye Oak - Civilian

    Yellowbirds - The Color



    Biggest Disappointments:


    Drive-By Truckers - Go-Go Boots

    Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues

    My Morning Jacket - Circuital


    Really?!?!?! Helplessness Blues and Circuital are disappointments? Not sure if you heard the right records.

  12. Not that I should be shocked, but are we really judging new Wilco material based on sub-par fan footage from a festival? C'mon people. Try not to bash an album that hasn't even been released yet.


    I never said I was bashing the album, I was commenting on what I heard from the video AND the mp3s I heard from the recordings. Regardless of sound quality, we heard the basic song being performed by the band. Therefore, I have every right to comment on it without bashing the album.


    Also, to alecrothman... I checked out the mp3 of Dawned on me... better sound quality but still kind of ehh for me, just sounds kind of cheesy and chorus driven, with not much excitement. Hopefully it will grow. Still love Born Alone though

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